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Weight Management & Body Image

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1 Weight Management & Body Image
© Lisa Michalek

2 Determining Healthy Weight Ranges

3 Obesity A weight disorder caused by the accumulation of fat beyond what is considered normal for a person based on age, sex, and body type.

4 Body Mass Index (BMI) A weight assessment based on the relationship of weight to height.

5 Obesity Risk Factors The Environment Heredity Thyroid Gland Problems
Eating Out, Bottle Feeding, Desk Jobs, the use of Automated Equipment, Computer, TV, and Video Games, Fear of being outside because of violence Heredity Body Type and Genes Thyroid Gland Problems This gland in the throat produces a hormone that regulates metabolism

6 Obesity Risk Factors Psychosocial Factors Metabolic Changes Lifestyle
Emotional insecurities, needs and wants Food is used as a reward for good behavior Metabolic Changes Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is influenced by age and diets Lifestyle Relationship between activity levels and calorie intake Smoking increases the metabolic rate. After quitting they burn fewer calories.

7 Managing Your Weight Set Realistic Goals Watch calorie intake
Exercise regularly Eat a nutritional Diet Avoid “Miracle” Diets

8 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa
Self-starvation motivated by an intense fear of gaining weight along with an extremely distorted body image Bulimia Nervosa Often binge and then take inappropriate measures, such as vomiting, to lose the calories they have just consumed Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Also binge, but do not try to lose the weight they gain Often they are obese

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