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Iris and Walter Vocabulary and Amazing Words

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1 Iris and Walter Vocabulary and Amazing Words
Second Grade Reading

2 Vocabulary Words ladder amazing roller-skate meadow

3 ladder a ladder is a set of steps between two long pieces of wood, metal, or rope

4 amazing something that is amazing is very surprising

5 roller-skate to roller-skate is to move by using roller-skates, which are shoes that have wheels

6 meadow a meadow is a piece of land where grass grows

7 AMAZING Words investigate rural urban creature underground brittle
decision dart

8 investigate When you investigate something, you find out all about it.
Let’s investigate our new neighborhood.

9 rural People who live in the country live in a rural place.
My aunt lives on a farm in a rural part of the state.

10 urban People who live in a city live in an urban place.
There is lots of traffic with cars, trucks, and buses in an urban place.

11 creature A creature is an animal or person that is living.
Many creatures live in the forest.

12 underground Under the ground you walk on.
If you ride the subway, you will go underground.

13 brittle Something that is brittle breaks easily.
If you drop an egg, you’ll find out that its shell is brittle.

14 decision When you make up your mind to do something, you make a decision. I made a decision which way to go.

15 dart When something darts, it moves very quickly from one place to another. Did you see the boy dart across the playground to catch up with his class?.

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