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Descriptive Sketch Create one descriptive sketch that describes your biggest fear. You do not want to say what the fear is–you need to describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Sketch Create one descriptive sketch that describes your biggest fear. You do not want to say what the fear is–you need to describe."— Presentation transcript:



3 Descriptive Sketch Create one descriptive sketch that describes your biggest fear. You do not want to say what the fear is–you need to describe that fear through sensory details and figurative language. The art class will read your D.S. and try to guess your fear and will then create a piece of art to represent your fear. In a D.S. excellent descriptive words are used. Very clear pictures are drawn, leaving no doubt in the reader’s mind as to what is being described. The reader very clearly knows what the author or character is feeling. The words used really make the reader think and feel something for the subject. The subject seems very real and alive.

4 Descriptive Sketch- Tips
Concentrate on the physical and the emotional. Use sensory details to describe your physical reactions: heart rate, sweat, shaking, quickened breath, etc. Use sensory details to describe the fear. Ex: “It swooped towards me, vicious claws poised, ready for the kill. I could already feel their cold bite, piercing my body like thousands of knives.” Use personification. Use short sentences in certain areas to build up tension and create a dark atmosphere.  DO NOT SAY WHAT THE FEAR IS! DO NOT even say “It is my greatest fear.” Actually…don’t even use the word fear or scared in the sketch. DO NOT be VAGUE!

5 What NOT to do… Rambling- Avoid rambling by planning before you start your piece of writing. Spending too much time on the opening and not developing the ending Overwriting – using too many language techniques Distracting errors. Proofread carefully and ensure you spend time editing your draft. Mixed tenses – (past/present) For Example: Marie stands up and walked to the bus. She takes her bag from her shoulder and dropping it on the ground sighs heavily. Repetition of simple words and using too many conjunctions – For Example: and, but, then

6 http://fear-project. com/ http://topdocumentaryfilms

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