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Oral Communication and Planning and Preparing Presentations

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Communication and Planning and Preparing Presentations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Communication and Planning and Preparing Presentations
Topics 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 and Using PowerPoint

2 Communication Skills Express yourself clearly
Listen effectively for appropriate feedback Important to success at work

3 Listening Allows you to follow through on instructions correctly
Consider the additional information to continue your work and make decisions Use time productively

4 Effective Listening Strategies
Avoid prejudgments, wait for all of the information before drawing conclusions Focus you attention on the speaker, avoid distractions Mentally summarize and review the information to make sure what you heard was correct Take notes and ask questions if necessary for complete understanding of the information, especially for names, addresses, and phone numbers

5 Effective Speaking Strategies
Keep eye contact as much as possible with ALL listeners Express ideas clearly through word choice Speak clearly in appropriate tones; enunciate Use standard language, avoid slang and colloquialisms Consider your audience Be aware of nonverbal communication Be interested in the listener’s response

6 Steps in Planning Identify the purpose Profile your listeners/audience
Develop the message Choose visuals and audio Practice and prepare

7 Identify the Purpose Is it to What are the specific goals? Motivate
Influence Inform Design a course of action What are the specific goals?

8 Profile Your Listeners
Be able to describe or picture your audience Questions to help guide: What do they like/dislike? What do they need? What is the level of expertise? What biases do they have?

9 Develop the Message Organize your ideas using a storyboard
Include supporting details to add credibility Consider all sides of the issue, consider all objections

10 Choose the Visuals and Audio
What media will you use? What materials or means are needed to communicate? Flip charts Overhead transparencies Multimedia presentations Use audio effectively, it should enhance not distract from the presentation Create handouts and posters to summarize or provide additional details

11 Practice Determine individual roles
Maintain continuity (a smoothness/flow) Prepare notes Videotape your presentation if possible to evaluate and critique yourself

12 Communicate Effectively With the Audience
Consider your appearance; Do not detract from you credibility Maintain eye contact Avoid non-words/fillers Show enthusiasm

13 Communicate Effectively With the Audience
Speak convincingly Control your posture and gestures Anticipate listener questions Restate questions before answering Present closing remarks

14 Use Visuals Effectively
Don’t read directly from the visual, use it as a summary Point out important facts only

15 PowerPoint Presentation graphics program Creates on-screen slide shows
Auto content wizard: pre-designed presentations which you customize for your specific information Templates: pre-made designs for presentations Motion: allows custom animation to add variety and excitement to the presentation Music: allows for a variety of audio to be incorporated into the presentation

16 Assignment Choose a country from the list provided.
Plan a 3 to 5 minute presentation about business and travel to this country Prepare notes in the notes section to print for your own use and then to turn in for a grade You will be graded on the oral presentation and the PowerPoint slides Include custom animation and slide transitions Clip art, word art and pictures; movies if available Graphs for facts and figures

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