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Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane

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1 Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane

2 3 Main Functions of the Cell Membrane
1. Flex - but still maintain shape 2. Regulate the exchange of materials between the cell’s contents and the external environment (homeostasis)  selectively permeable 3. Communicate with other cells


4 Basic Structure of the Cell Membrane: “Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins”

5 Phospholipid Bilayer (#1)
Two layers: 1. Phosphate head (#1a) On the outside Polar Attracts water hydrophillic

6 2. Lipid Tails (#1b) Inner layer Fatty acids Non-polar Repel water
Hydrophobic Moveable (unsaturated lipids) Not as fluid: more saturated lipids

7 Embedded Proteins (Three types)

8 A. Transport Protein (#2)
Regulate movement of molecules through membrane May have channels to move substances through

9 B. Recognition Proteins (#3)
Serve as attachment sites for ID markers

10 C. Receptor Protein ( #4) Binding sites for attachment of molecules
Activate a cell response

11 Carbohydrate Antennae (#5)
ID marker Tell what type of cell Tell whose cell

12 Cholesterol Molecules (#6)
Holds two layers together; provides structure More cholesterol Stronger Less fluid

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