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CPCC: An Overview A National Leader in Workforce Development Dr. Tony Zeiss, President.

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Presentation on theme: "CPCC: An Overview A National Leader in Workforce Development Dr. Tony Zeiss, President."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPCC: An Overview A National Leader in Workforce Development Dr. Tony Zeiss, President

2 Vision Central Piedmont Community College intends to become the national leader in workforce development.

3 Recent CPCC Honors n U. S. GAO Distinction n Ford Foundation Distinction n Newcomen Award n NAB Distinction~

4 We are Geographically Accessible!

5 Central Campus

6 North Campus

7 Levine Campus

8 Harper Campus

9 West Campus

10 Cato Campus

11 Who Are We? n The largest college in the Carolinas n 6 campuses n 285 full-time and 1,500 part-time faculty n 70,000 students and program participants n Anticipate an estimated 105,000 students and program participants by 2015 n Over 10,000 different classes each year ~

12 Who are our students? n Average age: 29 n 167 countries represented n 40% take college credit courses n 20% take literacy, adult high school and ESL courses (adult basic skills) n 40% take job enhancement and certification courses n 25% already have an associate, bachelors or graduate degree before they come to the College ~

13 The Big Question: Where would these students and our employers be without CPCC?

14 Community Employer Impact n For every dollar invested in CPCC, the community sees a $5.94 return on its investment through expenditures, wages and student financial aid. n Employees who come to us for management training show an average improvement in skills of 85%. (Source: 2002 ACCT Study)

15 Employer Satisfaction with the College In 2000-2001, 830 businesses were surveyed… 100% were satisfied with the services they received from CPCC and would hire another CPCC student. (Source: NCCCS Critical Success Factors Report, 2001).

16 Satisfaction of Workforce Development Students n 97% of workforce students were satisfied with programs and services. (Source: 2002 CPCC Study)

17 Its about jobs…. n 20.5% of the nations jobs by 2005 will require a bachelors degree or higher; n 75% of the nations jobs will require training by community or technical colleges (Source: U.S. Department of Labor).

18 Central Piedmont Community College Curriculum Class Registrations Six Years of Growth (25.8% increase in 6 years)

19 Major Needs n 4,131 students have unmet financial needs of $471,452 each year. n New program start-up costs ($200,000 average). n Approximately $2 million in unmet equipment needs per year. n Staffing to meet 25% enrollment growth over the past five years. n Space to meet 25% enrollment growth

20 Bond Information Promises made.Promises kept. What the 2005 bonds will mean for CPCC and the Community: n New culinary arts facility- Central Campus n Rehabilitation to parking decks- Central Campus n Expansion of construction trades facilities -Harper Campus n Expansion of dental assisting facilities - West Campus n Renovations to the Taylor Building & Pease Auditorium n Renovations to the visual arts facility - Central Campus n Rehabilitations to existing CPCC buildings; primarily roofs

21 How You Can Help…. n Communicate CPCCs Value and need for bonds to friends and clients n $25M Capital Campaign

22 Thank You for Your Time, Your Interest, and Your Commitment to Our Community.

23 Facing the Labor and Skill Shortage Implications For Your Organization Dr. Tony Zeiss

24 Wake Up Call

25 # 1 Threat To The Economy Lack of Skilled & Productive Workers Alan Greenspan

26 # 1 Threat To Your Organization Lack of Skilled & Productive Workers

27 America is facing the greatest labor & skills shortage in its history!

28 Hard Facts 10 million worker shortage in 2011. -U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics A crisis in finding skilled labor. -National Association of Manufactures; Senator Tom Harken Health care providers & public schools are desperate for skilled labor~ -Getem While Theyre Hot Dr. Tony Zeiss

29 Hard Facts Baby boomers are retiring. Succeeding generations are smaller. Low or skilled jobs are becoming obsolete or moving offshore. Higher skilled jobs are replacing lower skilled jobs.

30 Hard Facts U. S. is losing manufacturing jobs. 80% of creativity & innovation. We must continue to be creative & innovative. Jobs of the Future require higher skills & knowledge.~

31 Good News Those organizations that prepare for the labor & skill shortage will do well! Discovering a reliable supply chain of skilled workers is critical (and can be done).

32 Good News Only 21% of jobs in America require bachelors or higher degrees. 75% of jobs in America require training beyond high school, but below 4 year degrees. Community Colleges are driving the economy (The best source of skilled employees).

33 Good News Partnering with Community Colleges pays BIG dividends. Attracting, developing & retaining peak performers is critical to success. Do you give as much attention to attracting great employees as you do purchasing a major piece of equipment?~

34 Good News Smart organizations are discovering how to: 1. Attract 2. Develop 3. Retain Peak Performers for future success!

35 Sources of New Workers Emerging Workers Recent high-school dropouts Chronically unemployed (often Illiterate) New high-school graduates Adults entering work for the first time Immigrants Disabled (entering work for the first time) Existing Workers Currently employed Currently underemployed

36 Employee Motivators Recognition A sense of belonging A sense of significance & personal growth Fair compensation tied to achievement & productivity~

37 Start Planning Now! Where do you get Peak Performers? Where can you find new sources for peak performers? Is your staff development program adequate? How can you improve your staff development plans?

38 Start Planning Now How are you retaining peak performers? How can you better retain peak performers? Do you have a succession plan?


40 This Power Point presentation is located at: Presidents Office Presentations Getem While Theyre Hot is available at:

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