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Dr Pierre-Yves Norval WHO Stop TB Department

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1 Dr Pierre-Yves Norval WHO Stop TB Department
GFATM status for TB Dr Pierre-Yves Norval WHO Stop TB Department

2 GFATM support for TB (R1-5)
97 TB grants 73 countries 21/22 HBC $ 819 M approved $ 295 M disbursed $ 150 M spent

3 Total NTP Budgets by Source of Funding
22 high-burden countries, $ 836 M +11% $ 754 M +9% $ 690 M +50% 16% tot. 67% grant Total TB budget increased by 1/3 in 2004 (38%) This increase is largely due Government increase which represent 2/3 of the budget GFATM x2 in 2005 representing 66% of external source in 2005 but only 15% total budget Other grant decreased in 2004 and 2005 but total grant continue to increase GFATM partially additional $ 460 M $ 413 M +46% +46% 57% tot. Global TB Control Report: Surveillance, Planning, Financing. WHO Report 2005.

4 TB expenditure in 11 HBC (1/2 world pop, 1/3 TB case world) and impact on S+ CDR
+40% $176 M +28% $137 M Gov increase by 7% in and 20% in 2004 and represent more than 2/3 expenditure Grant represent 1/3 half GFATM, half other GFATM remain additional all other sources GFATM increased by 91% between 2004 and 2003 Grant increased by 62% in 2003 and 21%in 2004 Loan increase 100%in 2004 Every 1% increased budget increase CDR by 0.5% Success remain high 56% +21% 47% +12% CDR S+ 41%

5 Technical areas in alignment with Stop TB strategy and Global plan
DOTS expansion in all R1-5 including lab. support TB/HIV in 64/105 TB and TB/HIV proposals (R1-5) In 17/25 HIV proposals (R5) MDR represents 75% of MDR projects worldwide 25,000 MDR TB cases (R1-5) ACS in 9/24 (R5) Community TB in 12/24 (R5) PPM in 8/22 HBCs

6 TA for GFATM at global level
Proposal forms and guidelines M&E systems GLC : 2nd line TB drugs procurement and TA Procurement: eligible 1st line drugs including GDF Briefing TRP, portfolio managers MOU Stop TB Partnership – GF on 19 May 2005 Coordinated TA from Stop TB Partners Drug procurement via GDF and GLC

7 TA for GFATM at country level
Proposal preparation TRP clarifications Proposal to negotiation M&E plan PSM Work plan Grant implementation Phase 2 preparation TA provided Qualitative Quantitative Coordinated TA

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