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Conscience Reflection

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1 Conscience Reflection

2 Introduction The conscience is what allows us to think about moral decisions based how we have been brought up. Developing our conscience is not as hard as it seems, but requires a sincere effort. Applying our conscience to different situation are hard, but it will help you make the right decision.

3 The Conscience Conscience is the psychological factor of our brain that causes us to think about our actions. Our conscience determines what is right or wrong based on several sections of our life. The voice of your conscience works in discrete ways in order to catch us by surprise and make us think. Our conscience can speak to us by causing lightheadedness, butterflies in your stomach, or a general feeling of nervousness.

4 The Conscience continued
"Conscience is not "king"--the creator of morality. It is only the its interpreter. The only given of conscience is the general sense of right and wrong, which is hardly much--the meaningful parts of conscience are acquired by us. Conscience is something we form throughout our lives. Next to the obligation to follow our consciences, and even more serious, is the obligation to form our consciences well, based on objective and defensible norms of behavior." Timothy O'Connel

5 Forming my conscience While many studies say that video games, in particular violent video games, ruin the mind and make us less sensitive towards violent, I find that certain games do the opposite. For example, the video game Fallout 3 is post apocalyptic role playing game in which the player explores the wasteland of Washington D.C. In your adventures you will chose a faction to fight with.

6 Forming my conscience continued
The two factions have different agendas that will have a different effect on the wasteland. The extreme attention to detail and story causes the player feel and understand that characters positions and causes you to think about the decisions you ar going to make. This video game allows us to see the effect of our choices without causing harm to the real world, and makes us question conscience.

7 Fallout 3

8 Forming our conscience contiued
Out of the six positive sources of conscience formation, I believe I should use scripture more. I have not used scripture because I have thought of it as an outdated source, but I should use it because it is the teachings of some of the wisest men to have walked the earth and it is the word of God. My conscience guides me down a much harder path in order to do the most good, but it has lead me to be a better person who is more concerned for others.

9 Using my conscience At the beginning of the year I had a crush on a girl. I was not thinking clearly enough and one of my friends offered to help me by asking her who she liked. Instead my friend just told her that I liked her. She told my friend that she was not ready for a relationship due to prior events and inturn she was not ready for relationship. My friend told me the following day. I was not angry with him because he was only trying to be a good friend. At that point I needed to decide whether I was going to personally tell her the...

10 Using my conscience continued
truth about how I felt or hide from her and act like nothing ever happened. In my gut and in my mind I knew I had to tell her the truth or I would deny it for the rest of my life. I also knew that telling her the truth could destroy our friendship. I decided to tell her the full truth. She was as kind as anybody could be about this, but pretty much told me the same thing she told my friend. We both agreed to stay friends. Even though we promised to be friends, it has not been smooth by any means, and it has brought me a great...

11 Using my conscience continued
amount of emotional pain. I do not regret any of my actions and I still believe that the other path would have led to more trouble.

12 In Conclusion The human conscience is complicated, but without it we will would have a hard time making the right moral choices. If we develop our conscience, we can make decisions much more quickly and with a better choice. If you always follow your conscience, and it is well formed, then you will not regret any of your choices.

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