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Global Currents and Winds

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Presentation on theme: "Global Currents and Winds"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Currents and Winds


3 Ocean Currents Influenced by: Weather/Wind Positions of the continents
Rotation of the Earth Sun, Salinity, Density

4 Surface Current Streams of ocean water moving at the surface
Can stretch for hundreds of miles Controlled by winds, Coriolis Effect and land masses

5 Deep Currents Controlled by temperature and density of water
More when cold and higher salinity (amount of salt in the water) Flow deep, under the surface currents

6 Global Winds Caused by uneven heating of the Earth by the Sun
Wind patterns cause friction against the water which pushes it


8 Continental Deflection
Currents can change direction when they meet the continents Continental Deflection

9 Upwelling Land masses force deeper current upward

10 Coriolis Effect Earth’s rotation causes winds and currents to move in curved paths instead of straight lines




14 Warm currents create warmer climates
Currents and Climate Warm currents create warmer climates Cold currents create cooler climates

15 Currents and Climate

16 What areas may be warmer due to ocean currents?

17 What areas may be cooler due to ocean currents?

18 Gulf Stream Warm surface current in Atlantic Ocean
Flows from Florida area to Northern Europe

19 Jet Stream High altitude winds that can steer weather systems
Do not follow regular paths around the Earth


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