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20th century changes in global economics and societies 1900 to the present Key concept 6.3.

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1 20th century changes in global economics and societies 1900 to the present
Key concept 6.3

2 The promotion of global connections AND COOPERATION
The league of Nations and the United Nations were formed to promote international cooperation. The Universal postal Union international telecommunication Union The international Olympic Committee-promote international understanding THROUGH SPORTS. INTERNATIONAL MAIL AND COMMUNICATION SUCH AS TELEPHONE, RADIO, AND INTERNET USAGE BETWEEN MEMBER NATIONS OF un

3 International economic organizations
The World Bank international Monetary Fund- IMF the Gen. agreement on tariffs and trade –GATT to promote free trade. the World Trade Organization-WTO replaced GATT The G7, founded in the 1970s, was an organization representing the interests of the world seven largest economies. It has since become G 20 The communist version of these organizations was Comecon, founded by the USSR in the mid-20th century

4 Regional trade agreements developed
The European Union (1950s) Their original goal was to create a kind of United States of Europe with the common money system, a capital city, a flat, and legislature. In 1993, most of the 12 member nations from Western Europe went to a single monitor unit, the euro. England not participate in that move. Eastern Europe also was invited to join European Union. 27 nations make up EU.

5 Response to the success of EU
USA, Mexico, and Canada entered into a free trade agreement called the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the 1990s, but did not include the political aspects of the EU's organization

6 OPEC-Organizations of petroleum exporting countries
In 1960s, oil-rich nations, primarily from the Middle East but also including members in Africa and South America, organize into a cartel, or trade union, that in DWORD to regulate the global price of crude oil. OPEC became the household word in the West minutes added members raise prices and reduce exports of oil to Western Europe and the United States after the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. The west supported Israel. The OPEC members punished the West by high Oil price and reduced supply.

7 Multinational Corporations became global
Exxon McDonald’s General Motors Coca-Cola Phillips Electronics Shell Oil Corporation Sony Electronics Toyota Motors Hyundai

8 Global humanitarian groups
Red Cross red Crescent Amnesty International World Health Organization UNICEF

9 Human rights The Nuremberg trials – in 1945 the allied nations held trials for Nazi war criminals for crimes against humanity. Thesecrimes referred to the torture of death campaigns that German government officials ordered, carried out, or consented to in their country and the countries they invaded. The allied prosecutors charged the accused officials of violating basic human rights – a concept introduced during the Enlightenment. Those found guilty usually face the death penalty

10 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
Freedom of speech and religion the right to life, liberty, and personal security freedom of movement from one country to another or within a country and the right to a fair trial, work, and education

11 Civil rights movements
In the 1950s and 1960s, African-Americans pushed the US government to fulfill its constitutional promises of equal rights for all. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. followed the nonviolent methods used in India by Mohandas Gandhi. Individuals in other nations began to call for additional rights as well the most famous student protest occurred in Paris in 1968. Another civil rights movement was the lifting of apartheid in Soviet South Africa in the late 20th century

12 Women's rights In the early 20th century Weston adult women received the right to vote but other inequalities in society remained. Sought equal employment opportunities and social equality with men.

13 Despite several rights gain made in Western cultures and increased governmental participation by women in communist nation such as China and the USSR, in many areas of the world human rights violation to mean into the 21st century: children were forced into armies in Sudan Ethnic genocides killed almost 1,000,000 people in and around Rwanda. Women were refused educational opportunities by the Taliban in Afghanistan

14 Changes into religions had Global effects
Roman Catholic Church in the early 1960s Pope John XXII call for updates to the centuries old traditions in the Roman Catholic Church. Participation by non-clergy was encouraged sermons were in the local vernacular language not not in the Latin John Paul the second promoted ecumenism, cooperation between faiths.

15 Buddhism Gained popularity in the West partly because of the ecuminical spirit begun in the 1960s. The global popularity of the Beatles, who introduced aspects of S. Asian music and faith.

16 Islam Islam went through conservative revival
In the 1950s in response to the growing influence of Western culture that came from the context made in the oil trade, Islamic fundamentalism rejected the so-called the candidates culture of the infidel West. Islamic fundamentalism’s most famous examples were found in the Iranian revolution and in the formation of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda

17 Pop culture and global consumerism
The West was the center of the world’s economy and had the most multinational corporations The United States specifically produce 50% of the world’s products for most of the post world war two era and had the means, through its global corporations, to distribute its goods around the world. Cultural examples of this included – Clothing styles Music (Elvis Presley’s or the Twist dance craze),Movies and television shows Bollywood produced more movies than Hollywood

18 Sports became a global phenomena
World Cup soccer was a passion for individuals and nations around the world. US sports, such as baseball and basketball, had many participants and Fans in Europe and Asia, so much so that, by the end of the decade, European and Asian professional athletes were playing for teams in the United States. Cricket continues to be played in many parts of the world.

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