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How was Italy Unified?.

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Presentation on theme: "How was Italy Unified?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How was Italy Unified?

2 I. Obstacles to Unification
Foreign Control Austria, France, Hapsburgs Not Unified Since Roman Empire



5 I. Guisseppe Mazzini Founded Young Italy
Goal – “To Constitute Italy, One, Free, Independent, Republican Nation” Beginning of Nationalism in Italy

6 Giuseppe Mazzini

7 II. Important Leaders Italian Nationalist Movement – Risorgimento
King Victor Emmanuel II Sardinian King Count Camillo Cavour Prime Minister of Sardinia Realpolitik (Like Bismarck) Giuseppe Garibaldi “Red Shirts”  Took over Sicily

8 King Victor Emmanuel

9 Count Camillo Cavour

10 Giuseppe Garibaldi “Red Shirts”



13 III. Struggles for Unity
Crimean War Gained European Attention Austro-Prussian War + Venice Franco-Prussian War + Rome



16 V. Problems With Unity Regional Rivalries North vs. South
Government vs. Catholic Church

17 IV. Economic Changes Improved Agriculture Railroads
Free Trade Between States Lacked Natural Resources Plenty of Available Labor Industrialization

18 V. Social Changes Emigration – Movement away from homeland
Improved Social Conditions, Working Conditions and Education Increased Suffrage

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