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Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense. - as defined by

3 GUIDELINES Power Point Presentation 7 slides (exactly)
Make presentation visually interesting (add clip art and nice background designs) Aside from slide show, create a Professional Resume and Cover Letter Make a CD copy of PowerPoint and a hardcopy printout of presentation to turn in (can put 2 slides per page, no more)

4 POWER POINT SLIDES- *must be titled and in the following order
Title Page Brief personal Resume Job description and salary range Education and Employment Possibilities Highlights of Internship or Career Experience Reasons for choosing career Closing/Summation

5 Senior Project By: Benjamin Martin
SANITATION ENGINEER Senior Project By: Benjamin Martin

6 Personal Resume Education 1950 - 1954 Hialeah High School Awards
Merit Scholar Silver Knight Dean’s list Foreign Language Fluent in Spanish and German Experience 1953 – present Royal Castle Food service specialist, establishment maintenance, assisted manager in reconciling receipts Additional Activities Volunteer at Peaceful Rest Nursing Home Band FBLA

7 Job Description and Salary
Sanitation Engineer Collect and process public waste Drive sanitation vehicle Able to lift 50 lbs. (your career should have more bullet points and more info.) Salary Range $30,000 to $70,000

8 Education and Employment Possibilities
County tuition reimbursement Management courses Sanitation engineer specialist courses CDL license Employment Possibilities Driver Collection Management Trainer Scheduler note that these are possibilities within the career NOT what you need to get into the career

9 Highlights of Internship
Internship (I have a worksheet to help with this) I interned at the Miami-Dade Sanitation Dump at 123 Kendall Dr. Joe Shmo allowed me to shadow his activities throughout an entire work week. On Monday, at 4:30 a.m. I reported to work for my first shift. Joe and I clocked in, then went out to get the truck from the lot. We drove to the S.E. region to begin our run. Joe showed me how to attach the can to the mechanical truck arm which lifted the can and dumped the trash into the collection bin on the truck. We followed our route as Joe gave me important pointers like never begin driving until both collectors give the “thumbs up” signal. When we finished, we drove back to the dump site. We stayed for an important safety meeting, then clocked out for the day. On Tuesday through Thursday we stayed on site to work the garbage piles since there was no collection route on these days. Instead we drove large dumpster trucks that shifted garbage from one area of the site to another. Joe showed me how to fill out important reports and paperwork as well. My week as a sanitation engineer was extremely interesting and inspiring. I learned more than I ever could know about garbage. Not only do sanitation engineers collect garbage for citizens but they also must be aware of important safety issues, such as hazardous materials and laws regarding sanitation. After interning at Miami-Dade Sanitation Dump, I believe I would like to do this for a living

10 Reasons for Choosing Career
Excellent pay Great working hours Fits skill set Not in an office County benefits Can work in any city Don’t deal with public

11 Closing/Summation I chose this career because of the excellent pay, great working hours, it fits my skill set, I’m not in an office, I get county benefits, I could work in any city, and I don’t have to deal with the public. These things all add to my desire to work in the field of sanitation as a sanitation engineer.

12 Remember Your slides may be more in-depth than this example senior project You must only have 7 slides, no more and no less. Please title slides 2-7 and keep them in the same order as listed. You must proofread and edit project before turning in.

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