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CMP Creating Your Personal and Small Business Web Sites

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Presentation on theme: "CMP Creating Your Personal and Small Business Web Sites"— Presentation transcript:

1 CMP 868 - Creating Your Personal and Small Business Web Sites
Lesson 1 Chapter 2 - Planning Your Website

2 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Class Outline Purpose of Your Website How Will You Compete? Understanding Your Visitors Sitemaps Planning Interaction How Web Applications Work Intro to HTML & CSS Viewing Web Pages Critical Web Development Issues Hosting Your Website Why Domain Names Matter 8 Domain Buying Tips Domain Main Pitfalls Working With Web Developers 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

3 Purpose of Your Website
Build New Relationships Enhance Your Reputation Sell Improve Customer Service Educate Entertain Create Community Create New Services Make Money 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

4 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
How Will You Compete? Competition is "one click away" Unique Selling Proposition Market Research Alexa - Renewals Research Web Designers 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

5 Understanding Your Visitors
Gender Life Stage (Work, Student, Retired) Disposable Income Cultural Interest Internet Experience Access Device 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

6 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Sitemaps Homepage Products FAQ Help Contact Us Services 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

7 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Planning Interaction Text Animation Video 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

8 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Components of the Web 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

9 Web Request-Response Cycle Static Web Page
2. DNS Lookup User Sends Request by URL 4. Web Server Processes Request 3. Request Transmitted Request Response 6. Results Send to User Browser Decodes HTML from Web Server Results Formatted in HTML for Browser Results Displayed to User

10 The Web Medium Dynamic Web Site
Server Side Client Side Database Server API Netscape – NSAPI MS - ISAPI ASP CGI Script XML PHP SQL Query Language HTML DHTML XHTML ASP Java JScript ActiveX XML TCP/IP HTTP

11 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Web Browsers IE Firefox Chrome Opera Safari 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

12 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Web Building Blocks Hypertext Stylization Interactivity Metadata 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

13 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Key Technologies Hypertext Markup Language - HTML HTML5 Cascading Style Sheets - CSS JavaScript Asynchronous JavaScript - AJAX XML 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

14 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Server Side Scripting ASP JSP PHP ColdFusion Ruby PERL Python 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

15 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
HTML Standards Version Year Description HTML 1991 HTML+ 1993 HTML 2.0 1995 HTML 3.2 1997 HTML 4.01 1999 XHTML 2000 Incorporated XML HTML5 2012 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

16 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
CSS Standards Version Year 1.0 1996 2.0 1998 2.1 2004 3.0 2012 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

17 HTML Document JavaScript_Book.html

18 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
CSS Document book.css 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

19 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Viewing Web Pages URI URI - Uniform Resource Identifier URL - Uniform Resource Locator URN - Uniform Resource Name URL URN File Name Directories Domain Name Protocol 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

20 Critical Web Development Issues
Cross Browser Compatibility User Accessibility Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

21 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Hosting Your Website Storage Space Bandwidth Support Pricing Reliability 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

22 Why Domain Names Matter
Domain Naming System (DNS) Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Folders Files 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

23 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
8 Domain Buying Tips Check if Domain is Registered Buy from Hosting Company Keep it Short Make it Memorable Domain Extension Get the basic domain (.com .biz) Don't overdue naming Once you determine the name - BUY IT! 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

24 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Domain Main Pitfalls Check Trademark Registration Private Domain Registration Registry Scams 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

25 Working With Web Developers
Research Web Designers Pricing Web Design Pricing Designer Engagement Technical Competency Artistic Capabilities Feedback Review and Testing 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

26 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett
Class Review Purpose of Your Website How Will You Compete? Understanding Your Visitors Sitemaps Planning Interaction How Web Applications Work Intro to HTML & CSS Viewing Web Pages Critical Web Development Issues Hosting Your Website Why Domain Names Matter 8 Domain Buying Tips Domain Main Pitfalls Working With Web Developers Next – Creating Effective Content 11/27/2018 Copyright © Carl M. Burnett

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