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Presentation on theme: "PREVENTING INJURY STAYING SAFE AT HOME GIVING FIRST AID"— Presentation transcript:



3 Safety Hazard- potential source of danger
Safety conscious-being aware that safety is important Hazard- potential source of danger

4 Leaving items on stairs Leaving clothes out on the floor
Example of Hazards Water spilled on floor Leaving items on stairs Leaving clothes out on the floor

5 Injuries caused by unexpected events
Accidental Injuries Injuries caused by unexpected events

6 Patterns that lead to accidents
Accident Chain Patterns that lead to accidents

7 Example of Accident Chain
1. Wake up late for bus 2 Left books out on floor 3. Run to bathroom to get ready 4. Trip over books and fall down 5. Sprain your wrist, in too much pain, and miss the bus

8 Breaking the Accident Chain
Change the situation (get up earlier) Change the unsafe habit (put books away) Change the unsafe action (pay attention where you walk)

9 Fire Safety Flammable – able to catch on fire
Electric Overload – too much electric current flows along a single circuit

10 Common Causes of Fires in Homes
Careless cooking Careless smoking Gas leaks Candles Damaged electrical systems/ overloads Incorrect storage of flammable materials

11 In Case of a Fire…. Smoke Alarm – a device that sounds an alarm when it senses smoke Install them by bedrooms and sleeping areas

12 Being Prepared for a Fire…
Fire Extinguisher – A device that sprays chemicals that put out fires NEVER use water to put out fire that involves grease, oil or electricity!!!

13 Preventing Falls – Safety Rules
In kitchen – clean spills right away and use a stool to reach high places In bathroom - use a nonskid mat near tub or shower and keep personal products in plastic bottles

14 Preventing Falls cont…..
On the stairs- keep staircases well lit and clear of objects, use handrails, and put gates up to stop small children

15 Preventing Poisonings
Never call a child’s medicine or vitamins “candy” All meds in childproof bottles Keep out of reach of children

16 Preventing Electrical Shock
Do not use around water or if you are wet Unplug hairdryers not in use Cover unused outlets

17 Gun Safety If you find a gun do not touch it Call an adult immediately
Never play with a gun or point it at someone

18 Walk on sidewalks when you can Cross in crosswalks
Safety on Foot Walk on sidewalks when you can Cross in crosswalks Look both ways before crossing road

19 Safety on Wheels Wear a helmet when biking or skating
Wear clothing that fits Make sure bike seats and handlebars are secure Obey all traffic laws

20 Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of DEATH for children ages 2 to 16

21 Safety in Vehicles Wear a seat belt whenever you ride in a vehicle
Ride in the backseat of a car to avoid being hurt by the force of air bags Don’t bother bus driver while they are driving Stay in your seat while the bus is moving

22 Water Safety Swim only when lifeguard or adult is present
Swim with a buddy Don’t swim if you are tired or cold Dive only in marked areas

23 First Aid The immediate care given to someone who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be provided

24 YOU can save someone’s life by acting quickly and correctly!!!!!

25 Emergency Situation Checklist
Call 911or tell someone else to call Give them your name, location, and reason for calling Explain the condition of the injured person Describe what you have already done for them


27 Universal Precautions
Steps you can take to minimize contact with blood and other body fluids, which can contain viruses

28 Precautions to Take Wear gloves when possible Avoid touching blood
Wear a face mask when giving rescue breathes Wash hands immediately afterwards

29 Restoring Breathing and Heartbeat
If breathing stops ask person “Are you okay” If no 911 A trained person should begin CPR

30 CPR – procedure to restore breathing and circulation
Rescue Breathing – procedure where someone forces air into the lungs of a person who cannot breathe on his own

31 AED’s Sends a quick jolt of electricity to the heart through the chest to make heart start beating again Must have training to use them


33 How to Help A Choking Victim (Adult or Child)
Give the person 5 back blows (Strike the person between the shoulder blades) 5 Abdominal thrusts if that doesn’t work

34 Abdominal Thrusts

35 Help a Choking Baby Hold the infant face down along your forearm Hit the area on the infants back between shoulder blades 5 X’s

36 If You Are Alone and Choking…
Use your fist and hand to perform abdominal thrusts Use the back of a chair

37 How to Stop Bleeding Call 911 Put on gloves
Raise the wound above the heart Cover the wound with a clean cloth Press palm of hand firmly against cloth for 5 minutes or until help gets there

38 Bleeding Cont…. Do not stop to check wound
If blood soaks through add another cloth or gauze on top of the first Once bleeding slows or stops, secure firmly in place Stay with victim until help arrives

39 Burns First Degree Burn – flush the burned area with cold water for 20 minutes Do not use ice Ex. Sunburn

40 2nd Degree Burn Flush with cold water for 20 minutes
Elevate the burned area Loosely wrap the cooled burn Do not pop blisters or peel loose skin

41 Third Degree Burns Require immediate medical attention Call 911
Do not try to remove burned clothing Only a medical professional should treat these

42 Stings (If allergic call 911)
Remove the stinger by scraping it off with a straight object (Do not use tweezers!!) Wash the site with soap and water Apply ice (wrapped in cloth) for 10 minutes

43 Animal Bites Wash the bite with soap and water
Apply pressure to stop bleeding If skin is broken, contact doctor


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