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Focus Skill: Setting.

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1 Focus Skill: Setting

2 What is a setting? The setting is when and where a story takes place.

3 When could a story happen?
That information is a part of the setting. Could it happen..... * in the spring? * on Saturday? * one dark night? * ten years ago? * next month? * early in the morning? * yesterday? * on my birthday? * last weekend?

4 Where could a story happen?
That information is a part of the setting. Could it happen..... * in the jungle? * near a pool? * in a garden? * at school? * in a restaurant? * near a river? * at a toy store? * in outer space? * near an airport?

5 house forest city lake

6 Look for words that tell about the setting.
Let’s Practice! Read the following short stories. Look for words that tell about the setting. Remember, the setting tells the reader when and where the story takes place.

7 Where did this story take place? When did this story happen?
Mrs. Lee and her family went to Disney World last Saturday. They went on a lot of rides and had fun. They especially liked the firework show at the end of the day. Where did this story take place? When did this story happen? * GREAT! You just told me the setting.

8 Where did this story take place? When did this story happen?
One afternoon, the students were upset it was raining. They knew they couldn’t go outside for recess. They were thrilled to hear Mrs. Lee announce they could do fun activities and have inside recess. The students enjoyed playing games in the classroom. Where did this story take place? When did this story happen? * GREAT! You just told me the setting.

9 Where did this story take place? When did this story happen?
I woke up this morning to hear my mom yelling, “Seth, get in the kitchen right now!” I was tired and didn’t want to wake up. I slowly walked to the kitchen and found a huge box of donuts. My mom said, “Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you like the donuts.” I sat down at the table and started eating. I thought this was the perfect way to start my day. Where did this story take place? When did this story happen? * GREAT! You just told me the setting.

10 Where did this story take place? When did this story happen?
One wintery day, I looked outside and saw snow. I couldn’t wait to go outside and build a snowman. But, my dad reminded me that I was sick. I was forced to stay inside and rest. I didn’t like staying in my bed the whole day. Why did I have to be stuck in my bedroom while my friends were outside playing in that crunchy snow? Where did this story take place? When did this story happen? * GREAT! You just told me the setting.

11 Let’s REVIEW! The setting is when and where a story takes place.

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