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5 Themes of Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes of Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Themes of Geography

2 Overview Your group will be creating and presenting a poster on one of the five themes of geography First, send somebody to the back to get one blank piece of paper and some markers or colored pencils. I will go around and tell each group what theme they are doing Use pages 5-9 in your World Geography Textbooks

3 Instructions Posters Presentation Should include a title
Should include a definition of your theme Should include an example of your theme Should include images and symbols related to your theme Presentation No less than 1 minutes long, no more than 3 minutes long You should practice and time yourselves Should explain what your theme is and give examples Should explain the symbols on your poster You need to be ready to answer questions about your theme Everybody must speak

4 Notes Do the following for each presentation:
Write down what the theme is and any other information that you need to help you understand it Write down at least one question about the theme

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