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What you should do to prepare for major exams…

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1 What you should do to prepare for major exams…
APES Study Plan What you should do to prepare for major exams… I do not assign homework every night, but you should still study every night. Start by making a plan of your time incorporating your other responsibilities including time to meet with your study group. Don’t leave this all until the day before the exam, it will not work. Make a notebook for APES containing these tabs for each exam. Use the syllabus to organize the year. Study guide Chapter Concepts Lecture notes Movie notes Labs and activities FRQ predictions and rubrics

2 Vocabulary Make flash cards based on the study guide and learn all of the vocabulary definitions Play “6 degrees of separation.” You need to be able to relate the terms to each other. Practice using the vocabulary when working on your labs and predicting the FRQs.

3 Notes Recopy your lecture notes and movie notes. Relate the examples and make connections to the main concepts in the chapters. Highlight words or concepts that I make “subtle hints” about in class. Make a list of questions to ask during class if there is anything unclear. Please! Ask questions about concepts that you are unsure of.

4 Labs and Activities Make a list of the labs, activities, and videos from the chapters. Be sure you understand the purpose of the labs and can explain how these labs relate to understanding the concepts in the chapters. Imagine what kind of questions I may ask about these labs on the test.

5 Main Concepts Use your Chapter Concepts to nail down the main concepts in the chapters. Find these same main concepts in the lecture notes and any more that may not be in the book. Predict the FRQs and make rubrics. Form a study group and meet to compare your results.

6 Enjoy Learning! Take breaks. Sleep well. Eat well. Reward yourself.
Make studying fun, do it with friends in a study group. Be proud of yourself for knowing so much!

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