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THE LORD’S RETURN - Pre-millennialism.

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Presentation on theme: "THE LORD’S RETURN - Pre-millennialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE LORD’S RETURN - Pre-millennialism

2 The hope of Israel 1. The promise of the restoration of David’s throne – e.g. Isaiah 9 v 7 (Luke 1 v 68 – 70) 2. The consistent voice of the prophets 3. Daniel’s timetable

3 The voice of the prophets
Political harmony – e.g. Isaiah 2 v 2 – 4 Economic harmony – e.g. Isaiah 11 v 4 Environmental harmony – e.g. Isaiah 11 v 6 – 9 (Romans 8 v 19 – 22) Restoration of long life-spans – Isaiah 65 v 17 – 25 Spiritual harmony – e.g. Zechariah 14 v 9 (Philippians 2 v 9 – 11) A much better society – e.g. Psalm 72 (Revelation 20 v 1 – 3)

4 Timetable for Israel’s future – Daniel 9 v 20 - 27
Total time for Israel – 70 x 7 (weeks of years) = 490 years. From decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2 v 1 – 9) = 7 x 7 (49 years) and 62 x 7 (434 years) – a total of 483 years, until the coming of the Anointed One. After an indeterminate pause the final 7 years will commence with a Covenant.

5 The expectation of the disciples
Matthew 16 v 13 – 16 Luke 24 v 13 – 27 Acts 1 v 6 - 8

6 10 reasons why we will not go through the Tribulation

7 1) The Tribulation period will be unique – quite unlike the trials and tribulations that have marked earlier eras.

8 2) The Tribulation is the time of judgement at the end of the age
2) The Tribulation is the time of judgement at the end of the age. The age of grace itself is not to be seen as a time of judgement. Isaiah 26 v 20 1 Thessalonians 1 v 10 1 Thessalonians 5 v 9 Revelation 3 v 10

9 3) Post-tribulation teaching is very divisive.

10 4) God’s protection in the times of judgement. 2 Peter 3 v 5 - 7

11 5) Immanency – the time is known only to God.

12 6) The restraining influence of the Holy Spirit through the Church must be removed before the antichrist is revealed. 2 Thessalonians 2

13 7) “Peace and safety”. 1 Thessalonians 5 v 1 – 3 Matthew 24 v 36 - 42

14 8) Israel once again in the spotlight – evangelising the “Tribulation Saints”. Daniel 9 v 27

15 9) The pattern of Jewish weddings.

16 10) The Rapture of the Church appears to be very different from His return with the Church. 1 Thessalonians 4 v 13 – 18 Zechariah 14 v 4 Matthew 24 v 30 – 31 Philippians 2 v

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