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Decay resistance of Scots pine wood

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1 Decay resistance of Scots pine wood
Anni Harju and Martti Venäläinen Punkaharju Research Station My talk is not going to be as general as the title promises. I’m going to present you results of a quite specific study, which is restricted to brown-rot decay resistance of Scots pine wood. Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

2 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Aims of the study
3. Material and methods 4. Results 5. Conclusions As we all know, wood has born to be decayed at last. The processes of degradation are essential parts of the functioning of the ecosystem. However, decay of the wooden structures can be prevented by using proper construction techniques or by using chemical impregnation of wood. One more option would be to use heartwood, which at proper conditions would last without any treatments. Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

3 2. Aims of the study To answer the questions:
What is the range of phenotypic variation in the resistance of Scots pine wood against a brown-rot fungus? Is there genetic variation in the resistance of Scots pine wood against a brown-rot fungus? The first aim of our study was to describe the range of phenotypic variation in resistance of Scots pine wood against a brown-rot fungus. The second and the more important aim was to estimate genetic parameters describing the genetic variation. Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

4 3. Material and methods Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

5 Increment core from Scots pine
The standardised decay tests are performed using wood blocks of a size that require to fell the trees. Dimensions of the block: matchbox. In our study a modified decay test was used, where increment cores of standing trees were sampled and exposed to brown-rot decay. Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

6 Sampling Progeny tests Kerimäki (30 yrs)
25 half-sib families, 10 sibs/family Korpilahti (30 yrs) 26 half-sib families, 16 sibs/ family Clone archive Punkaharju (30 yrs.) 20 clones, 2 grafts/clone offspring growing at Korpilahti progeny test  regression of offspring on their parents The samples were drilled from two progeny tests and from one clone archive of about 30 years old. Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

7 Malt agar plate decay test
Duration: 6 weeks Measurement:  weight loss of the wood specimen phenotypic variation h2, CVA petri dish with Coniophora puteana on malt agar medium sapwood heartwood 40 mm diam. 5 mm Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

8 4. Results Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

9 Weight loss, Kerimäki Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

10 Weight loss in a decay test (mg/cm3)
Range Heritability estimates suggest, that the variation is mainly caused by environmental factors. Reasons: Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

11 A view over Kerimäki progeny test
Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

12 Weight loss, Korpilahti
Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

13 Weight loss in a decay test (mg/cm3)
Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

14 5. Conclusions Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

15 Role of environmental factors remains unclear for the moment
It seems possible to perform selective breeding to increase wood decay resistance Role of environmental factors remains unclear for the moment Growth habit of a tree may have an influence on the decay resistance reaction wood? Decay resistance: a complicated combination of traits that are poorly known Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

16 Project organization Finnish Forest Cluster Research Programme WOOD WISDOM ( ), which lasts to the end of April Project: Estimation of genetic variation in decay resistance of wood and development of non-destructive methods for evaluation of wood decay Subproject: Genetic variation of decay resistance in Scots pine and Siberian larch wood Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

17 Division of labour METLA VTT, Building and Transport
Planning of the sampling scheme Sampling of the increment cores Analysis of the data VTT, Building and Transport in vitro decay tests IRG-reports Academy of Finland financing Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

18 Researchers METLA (Egbert Beuker) Pirkko Velling Martti Venäläinen
Anni Harju VTT Hannu Viitanen Anni Harju, METLA/PU 11/27/2018

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