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The Pearl by John Steinbeck

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1 The Pearl by John Steinbeck
A novella based on an old Mexican folktale

2 SYMBOL A person, a place, an object or an action that stands for something beyond itself.
A dove is a bird, but might symbolize peace. A black crow circling overhead is a bird flying, but might symbolize danger to come. Symbols are everywhere in our daily lives; human beings require symbols for self-expression (in clothing, music, speech, politics…). Symbolism is universal. As in all parables, The Pearl offers much symbolism.

3 Process (1) Choose a symbol on one of the following slides.
(2) Click on the image. This will link you to information on your symbol. (3) Read through the website. (4) As you read, record facts you feel are relevant on a T-chart. (5) Review the information you recorded and write your interpretations on the back of your t-chart. What do you think your symbol stands for?

4 Images of symbols from The Pearl appear on the next few slides
Images of symbols from The Pearl appear on the next few slides. Click on the slide that corresponds to your selected symbol.

5 Scorpion

6 Pearl

7 Ocean

8 Canoe

9 Village

10 Storm

11 Discuss Ideas! Group with others who share the same symbol as you to compare ideas. Predict how this might fit into the story. As a small group, develop a list of possible symbolic meanings.

12 Draw Your Symbol Materials: White paper Colored pencils or crayons

13 Fishbowl Discussion One student from each “symbol group” will take part in a fishbowl discussion. The discussion participants will bring their group’s ideas to this bigger discussion. Students in the outside circle will listen attentively. After about ten minutes, students in the outside circle will have the opportunity to add questions and comments to the discussion through notes passed to the fishbowl.

14 Acknowledgments Information, images and links for this activity are courtesy of the following websites: Images www. Reference

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