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Vocabulary Lesson 1.

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1 Vocabulary Lesson 1

2 1. Gall – n. Shameless boldness; nerve.

3 2. Parry – to deflect or evade a blow, especially in swordfighting

4 3. Cogitate – v. To think deeply

5 4. Transpire – v. To happen; to take place.

6 5. Ruffian – n. A brutal, lawless person

7 6. Licentious – adj. Morally unrestrained.

8 7. Numismatist – n. Coin collector

9 8. Paucity – n. A scarcity; a lack

10 9. Fatalistic – adj. Believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate.

11 10. Obtrude – v. To force oneself into a situation uninvited

12 11. Pensive – adj. Dreamily thoughtful

13 12. Lackadaisical – adj. Uninterested; listless.

14 Alienate – v. To turn away feelings or affection.

15 14. Elated – adj. In high spirits; exultantly proud and joyful.

16 15. Epigram – n. A witty saying expressing a single thought or observation.

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