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Vocabulary Week 1.

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1 Vocabulary Week 1

2 Parts of Speech Review Noun: person, place, thing, or idea “Joe-Bob” “Rowland” “Table” “communism” Pronoun: takes the place of a noun or another pronoun “He” “she” “it” “we” “They” Adjective: describes a noun or pronoun “smooth” “broken” “callow” Verb: action or state of being “is” “ran” “speak” Adverb: describes verbs, adjectives, other adverbs. “-ly” “quickly” “easily” “poorly” Preposition: links object of sentence to another to show relationship, “in” “of” “about” Conjunction: connects words, clauses, and sentences. “and” “but” “or” “so” Interjection: exclamation. “Oh!” “No way!”

3 Abortive Adjective Unsuccessful. Ended before it is finished
This cartoon coyote’s abortive attempts at using siege weapons were a staple of my childhood.

4 Ostracize Verb To shut out of a group
Karen felt ostracized from the book club because while everyone else thought it was awful, she had really enjoyed The Catcher in the Rye.

5 Adroit Adjective Skillful; clever
We always enjoyed listening to this speaker because of his adroit use of puns and wordplay.

6 Furtive Adjective Secretive
His face was scrunched up in concentration. His movements were furtive. This toddler was up to something.

7 Admonish Verb To scold gently; to warn
Fortunately, his wrongdoing was small enough that I thought admonishing him was enough.

8 Bacchanalian Adjective Wild & drunken
That night’s party got so out of hand that survivors would only describe it later as bacchanalian.

9 Jettison Verb To cast overboard
It ruined the cruise when I jettisoned my brother on the second day.

10 Adherent Noun Follower; supporter
I knew that Geoffrey was an adherent of some pretty strange philosophies, but I didn’t know how serious the problem was until his wife came to me for help.

11 Bastion Noun Something used as a strong defense; a fort; a shield
With the enemy hours away, we did everything we could to ensure our bastion could survive an attack.

12 Accost Verb To speak to someone aggressively
I’ve told him repeatedly that accosting women in the street was going to get him in trouble; he didn’t believe me until last night, when he tried to interrupt someone’s kung-fu practice in the park.

13 Vocabulary Homework Due the first day of the next week – Monday, August 31 For each word, find: 2 synonyms 2 antonyms And create 1 sentence. Sentences must be original. You will not get credit for copied sentences.

14 Homework Example Sleep Synonyms: Rest, Nap Antonyms: Wake, action
I was very tired, so I decided to sleep.

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