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Case Discussion R1 吳宗祐 VS 邱元佑 2016/12/07.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Discussion R1 吳宗祐 VS 邱元佑 2016/12/07."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Discussion R1 吳宗祐 VS 邱元佑 2016/12/07

2 Patient Profile Name: 葉X佑 Chart number: 177621xx Age: 4-month old
Gender: Male Date of admission: 2016/11/28~12/02 Informant: Parents and medical records

3 Chief Complaints Right scrotal swelling and local redness

4 Present Illness 4 days before admission Odorous and yellowish urine
Mild decrease of urine output 1 day before admission LMD: U/A revealed OB(1+), WBC(-)

5 Present Illness 2016/11/28 Right scrotum swelling, erythematous change, local heat No fever, No irritable crying, No painful expression during palpation No upper airway symptoms No nausea/vomit, no diarrhea, no constipation Good activity and appetite Denied TOCC history Transfer to NCKU ER from LMD

6 Past History Birth Hx: Feeding: Medical Hx: Allergic history: Nil
G2P2, GA 38+1wks, NSD, BBW: 3390g Apgar score 8  9 Feeding: Formula ml Q4H Medical Hx: ASD, PFO(closed), f/u at our OPD Allergic history: Nil Growth and development: BL: 67 cm = 50-85th percentile BW: 7.8 kg = 50-85th percentile

7 PE General appearance: fair
HEENT: conjunctiva: not pale, sclera: anicteric Throat: not injected, Tonsil: no swelling, no pus Neck: supple, no JVE, no LAP Chest: symmetric expansion, bilateral clear breath sounds, crackle(-), wheezing(-) Heart: regular heart beat, diastolic murmur(+), Abdomen: flat and soft, normoactive bowel sound, tenderness (-), rebound tenderness (-), muscle guarding (-), flank pain(-) Extremities: warm, pitting edema (-) Skin: no edema, petechiae or ecchymosis Right scrotum: local heat(+), swelling(+), eythematous change(+), No irritable crying or painful expression during palpation, Cremester reflex(+)

8 PE

9 Lab

10 Lab

11 Image

12 Image

13 Initial Impression Urinary Tract Infection Epididymo-orchitis Plan
Admitted 4C Empirical Abx Cefazolin + Gentamycin Arrange Renal Sonography

14 Treatment course 2016/11/29-12/02 No fever Good activity and appetite

15 11/29 11/30 12/01 12/02

16 Renal Echo Relative enlarged kidney, nonspecific
Thicken bladder wall, suspect cystitis like

17 Treatment course 2016/11/29-12/02 In 4C
Discharge on 12/02 with oral Abx and arrange OPD follow up

18 Final Diagnosis Urinary Tract Infection Epididymo-orchitis

19 Discussion -- Epididymitis

20 Epididymitis Postpuberty (More frequent) Prepuberty
Sexual activity, heavy physical exertion, and direct trauma Chlamydia > N. gonorrhea, E.coli, viruses Others: Ureaplasma, Mycobacterium, CMV, Cryptococcus in HIV patients Prepuberty Associated with structural anomalies of urinary tract Mycoplasma pneumoniae, enteroviruses, adenoviruses

21 Epididymitis – Clinical presentation
History Acute or subacute onset of pain and swelling Frequency, dysurea, urethral discharge, and/or fever PE Local redness, swelling Normal cremaster reflex Prehn sign: pain relief with elevation of the testis

22 Epididymitis – Diagnosis
Clinical diagnosis Doppler ultrasonography or nuclear scan Urinalysis & urine culture The US CDC recommendation: if sexually transmitted epididymitis Gram-stained smear & culture of urethral exudates or intra-urethral swab Nucleic acid amplification of N. gonorrhea & C. trachomatis Suphilis and HIV testing

23 Epididymitis – Treatment
Abx, analgesics, scrotal support, bed rest Sexual partner gets treatment if susp. STD Susp. chlamydia/gonorrhea Ceftriaxone 250mg IM in 1 dose Doxycycline 100mg POBID for 7 days Susp. enteric organisms Ofloxacin or levofloxacin Prepubertal boys: treat as UTI if pyuria(+)

24 Thank you for your attention

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