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The Endocrine System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Endocrine System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Endocrine System

2 What is the Endocrine System?
Definition: a system of the body which consists of glands that release substances (hormones) into the bloodstream Hormones: affect behavior and emotions stimulate growth & reactions circulate throughout the whole body are produced in glands

3 What are the Types of Glands?
1 2 3 4 (Gonads) 5

4 The Types of Glands Pituitary Gland: called the “master gland” because it motivates other glands into action

5 The Types of Glands Adrenal Gland: regulates the body during states of alarm Produce adrenaline (intensify emotions) Produce noradrenaline (raise blood pressure) Help arouse body & enable body to cope w/stressful situation

6 The Types of Glands Thyroid Gland: regulates the metabolic (converting food to energy) rate of the body by produce thyroxin Too little Thyroxin produces stunted growth & overweight Too much Thyroxin produces excitability, can’t sleep, weight loss

7 The Types of Glands Pancreas: regulates sugar metabolism
Produces the hormones insulin, glucagon, & somatostatin

8 The Types of Glands Gonads: regulates sexual characteristics and reproduction Produce Testosterone (male sex hormone) Produce Estrogen (female sex hormones) Produce Progesterone (female sex hormones)

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