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A – The reproductive system

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Presentation on theme: "A – The reproductive system"— Presentation transcript:

1 A – The reproductive system
The structure and function of reproductive organs and gametes and their role in fertilisation Hormonal control of reproduction The biology of controlling fertility Ante- and postnatal screening

2 KA 2: Hormonal control of reproduction
(c) Menstrual Cycle (a) Hormone release at Puberty Hormonal Control (b) Sperm Production

3 (b) Hormonal Control of Sperm Production
Describe the role of the following hormones in sperm production: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) Describe the role of testosterone in sperm production. Describe the self regulating role of testosterone as an example of negative feedback control.

4 Hormonal Control of Sperm Production
Effect Target Tissue Pituitary Hormone Endocrine Gland Pituitary Gland FSH Seminiferous tubules Promotes sperm production ICSH Interstitial Cells Stimulates Testosterone production

5 FSH ICSH Seminiferous tubules Interstitial Cells Pituitary Gland
Effect Target Tissue Pituitary Hormone Endocrine Gland Pituitary Gland FSH Seminiferous tubules Promotes sperm production ICSH Interstitial Cells Stimulates Testosterone production Testosterone further stimulates sperm production . It also activates the prostate gland and seminal vesicles to produce secretions.

6 Hormonal Control of Sperm Production
What’s going on? The pituitary gland releases ICSH which stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone. The pituitary gland also releases FSH which along with testosterone, stimulates sperm production in the seminiferous tubules

7 Negative Feedback Control
At high concentrations, testosterone inhibits the release of further FSH and ICSH by the pituitary gland. The self-regulating mechanism is known as negative feedback control.

8 (b) Hormonal Control of Sperm Production
Describe the role of the following hormones in sperm production: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) Describe the role of testosterone in sperm production. Describe the self regulating role of testosterone as an example of negative feedback control.

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