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Middle east/north africa review

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1 Middle east/north africa review


3 MESOPOTAMIA TERMS Steps to Civilization Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia
Sumer Cuneiform Epic of Gilgamesh Akkadians Babylonians Assyrians Hammurabi Code of Hammurabi

4 Steps to civilization Hunting and Gathering/Nomadic Life Domestication
Food surplus Division of Labor and Specialization The Rise of Cities

5 Fertile Crescent Where the first civilizations appear around 3500 BC Region in present day Iraq, Turkey and Egypt associated with the Nile River, Tigris River and Euphrates River

6 Mesopotamia Greek for “Between two rivers” Area between the Tigris and Euphrates River Where our first ancient civilizations develop

7 Sumer Earliest civilization in Mesopotamia Located between the Tigris and Euphrates River

8 Cuneiform Earliest form of writing Consists of several hundred characters Wedge shaped Created by the Sumerians

9 Epic of Gilgamesh A 3000 line poem that follows the adventures of a Sumerian King as he goes on adventures, seeking after eternal life Similar story to Noah and the Arc

10 AKKADIANS Unites the groups in the Middle East together under one rule- new Empire called the “Akkadians” When the Empire breaks up it splits into the Babylonian Empire and the Assyrian Empire

11 Babylonians Formed from the break up of the Akkadian Empire Competed with the Assyrians for control of the Middle East Formed by Hammurabi when he united city states under one rule

12 Assyrians Formed from the former Akkadian Empire At their peak they controlled most of the Fertile Crescent and Egypt Competed with the Babylonian Empire for power

13 hAMMURABI Ruled the Babylonian Empire from 1792BC-1750BC Takes over most of the region in Mesopotamia Tries to give his subjects a good life

14 Code of Hammurabi Hammurabi wrote a series of laws for the Babylonian Empire Established rules for Babylon and set for clear punishments

15 Terrorism Terms Terrorism Terrorism as a tactic 9/11
Islam and Terrorism Malala Yousafzai

16 Terrorism Terrorism=the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals Terrorism has a political agenda

17 Terrorism as a tactic Extremist groups often use terrorism as a tact to incite fear into a group of people. Groups also use terrorism to make their cause seem bigger than it actually is

18 9/11 September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group originating in the Middle East, attacks the United States Led by Osama Bin Ladin

19 Islam and terrorism Islam DOES NOT promote terrorism A majority of Muslims DO NOT support terrorism The Quran teaches Muslims to be peaceful Extremist groups have used terrorism as a tactic Terrorism is used all over the world

20 Malala yousafzai Shot by the Taliban (a terrorist group originating in the Middle East) because she was advocating for girls’ rights to go to school

21 Geography of the Middle East Terms
Arabic Oil OPEC

22 tHE middle east Region in Southwest Asia Crossroads of three continents Europe Asia Africa People share a common language, history and religion

23 arabic Language spoken throughout most of the Middle East Quran is written in this language

24 Oil Oil is the most important natural resource in the Middle East Saudi Arabia is the world’s leading EXPORTER of oil

25 Opec Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC is a political alliance of countries that tries to control the market for oil. They control the market by determining how much oil their countries will produce Oppose the United States

26 Monotheistic Religions
Monotheism Polytheism Judaism Abraham Moses Solomon Isaac Ishmael Torah Synagogue Hanukkah Bar mitzvah Passover Christianity Jesus Christ Mary Paul The Trinity Palm Sunday Islam Muhammad Five Pillars of Islam The Hajj Kaaba Mecca Sunni Muslims Shiite Muslims Mosque

27 Monotheism Belief in only ONE God


29 Judaism Oldest Monotheistic Religion Founded by Abraham Dates back to 1900 BC

30 aBRAHAM Prophet for all three monotheistic religions Founder of Judaism Almost sacrificed his son, Isaac, to God Preached that there was only one God Has two important sons: Isaac and Ishmael

31 moses Rescues the Jews from the Egyptians and takes them back to Canaan (Israel) “Let my People Go!” Parts the Red Sea 10 Commandments Prophet in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

32 solomon Jewish king who builds the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem

33 isaac Son of Abraham and Sarah who is almost sacrificed to God Jews descend from his line

34 Ishmael Son of Abraham and Hagar Muslims descend from his line

35 Torah Sacred text for the Jews Includes the first five books of Moses (Old Testament) Written in Hebrew

36 Synagogue Place of worship for Jews Jews worship here on SATURDAYS

37 Hanukah 8 Day Jewish celebration that commemorates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem

38 Bar mitzvah Jewish holiday that celebrates when a Jewish boy becomes a man (age 13)

39 PASSOVER Jewish holiday that celebrates when the Jews were freed from the Egyptians by Moses Refers to the final plague where the angel of death came through and killed the first born son of all families that did not have lambs blood on their door

40 Christianity Founded in the first century AD with the birth of JESUS CHRIST A majority of the doctrine is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ Believe that Jesus Christ was a Messiah

41 Jesus christ Born in the first century AD Founder of Christianity Christians believe he is a Messiah Prophet in Islam

42 mary The Mother of Jesus Christ CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS believe that she had a virgin birth Born a Jew

43 paul One of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ who spread Christianity to Rome after Jesus’ crucifixion

44 The trinity Christian belief in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Beliefs about the trinity differ between different Christian groups

45 Palm sunday Christian Holiday Celebrated on the Sunday before Easter Celebrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem

46 ISLAM Monotheistic religion founded by Muhammad in 610 AD

47 Muhammad Founder of Islam Believed to be the last prophet sent by God His writings and lessons were written down in the Quran

48 Five pillars of islam Main beliefs of Islam
There is only one God and Muhammad is his prophet Fasting (Ramadan) Prayer Alms (donations to church) The Hajj

49 The hajj Last of the five pillars of Islam Pilgrimage to Mecca Muslims trace the footsteps of Muhammad in a series of rituals

50 kaaba Black box that Muslims circle seven times during the Hajj Represents God and is one of the most sacred sites in Islam

51 mecca City in Saudi Arabia where the Prophet Muhammad lived One of the most sacred sites in Islam Millions of Muslims come here every year during the Hajj

52 Sunni muslims Believe that the next leaders in Islam should be “the best person for the job” Majority of Muslims

53 Shia muslims Believe that the next leaders in Islam should be blood relatives or descendants of Muhammad Minority of Muslims

54 mosque A place of worship for Muslims

55 Geography Nile It would flood seasonally.
Brought fertile soil. (Gift of the Nile) Desert

56 Pharaoh = Ruler of Egypt

57 Egyptian Gods Ra- Sun God – supreme ruler of all the gods Anubis – God of Embalming and of the dead Horus – God of the sky. (Pharaoh was thought to be the living version of Horus and representative to the Gods.)

58 The After Life 1- Your name had to be written down
Requirements: 1- Your name had to be written down 2- You had to pass the weighing of the heart 3- You had to have a preserved body

59 Contributions Architecture: Pyramids: Tombs for the Pharaohs Geometry
Papyrus First form of paper

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