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Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

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1 Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

2 Early History Hebrews created the Kingdom of Israel around 1000 BCE
Invaded periodically but Hebrews maintained control until the Romans appeared Romans took control in 63 CE and kicked out the Jews Called the land “Palestine” Ruled the area until late 630s CE The expulsion of the Jews led to the Jewish diaspora (the spreading of a people from their original homeland)

3 Muslim Invasion Took control of area from Romans in 636
Mohammed ascended to heaven from Jerusalem Control the area under one ruler or another until the end of WWI

4 Ottoman Empire Ruled area from 1517 until 1918
Most people in the area spoke Arabic and practiced Islam Ottoman Empire fought with the Central Powers in WWI and gave up control of Palestine in 1918 to the British

5 Temple of Jerusalem First built by King Solomon in 950 BCE
Destroyed and rebuilt several times Last destroyed in 70 CE by Romans


7 Temple Mount Site of the Temple of Jerusalem
Place Adam (first human in Judaism and Christianity) was formed Exact same spot was the innermost chamber of the Temple of Jerusalem Also the place Mohammed ascended to heaven from Currently houses the Dome of the Rock (a building)


9 So, in summary… Temple Mount is an extremely holy place for Jews and Muslims and Christians

10 Israeli/Palestinian Conflict Contiued

11 Zionism Began in the late 1800s
Definition: desire to create a homeland for the Jewish people in what used to be the Kingdom of Israel This area was currently controlled by the Ottoman Empire and inhabited by Palestinians Led to increased immigration of European Jews to area

12 Balfour Doctrine Written in 1917
Before Britain received control of Palestine Official British statement to Zionist leaders saying Britain supported a state for the Jews as long as it did not harm the “civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish citizens of Palestine” Led to an increase in tensions between Palestinians and Jews No solution reached

13 Post-WWII (1947) In the wake of WWII and the Holocaust, great sympathy existed for the Jewish people UN voted to divide Palestine into two states – UN Resolution 181 Jerusalem was to be an international city owned by neither side Palestinians (66% of the population) received 45% of the land Jews (34% of the population) received 55% of the land Mostly supported by Jews Mostly not supported by Arabs


15 Arab-Israeli War 1948 UN Resolution 181 of 1947 Civil War
Plan to create two states – Israel and Palestine Mostly supported by Jews Mostly not supported by Arabs Civil War Jews and Arabs fought against each other in Palestine from Nov until May 1948 Arab-Israeli War May 14/15 – state of Israel announced May 14/15 – Neighboring Arab countries attacked

16 1948 Narratives Worksheet Read the narratives from both sides of the argument Answer the questions on the back

17 Results of the Arab-Israeli War
Land taken over by Israel West Bank occupied by Jordan Gaza Strip occupied by Egypt No Palestine

18 Displace People People displaced by the war: UN Resolution 194
About 10 Israeli villages destroyed About 10,000 Israelis displaced About 400 Palestinian villages destroyed About 750,000 Palestinians displaced UN Resolution 194 UN said that Palestinian refugees “wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors” should be allowed to return “at the earliest practicable date” and that “compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property” Israel refused Note: this is still a MAJOR issue

19 1956: Suez Crisis Suez Canal Major international shipping route
Located in Egypt Major international shipping route Controlled by British and French company

20 1956: Suez Crisis Nationalization Response to Nationalization
Egypt took control of the canal on July 26, 1956 Closed strait leading to Israel Response to Nationalization Israel, with backing of French and British troops, invaded the Sinai Peninsula (part of Egypt) Resolution of the Crisis US and United Nations forced Israel, Britain, and France to withdraw and return control of Sinai Peninsula to Egypt


22 Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Founded in 1964: Palestinian organization dedicated to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state Charter of PLO stated: Palestinians had a right to self-determination and were willing to fight to regain their homeland Jews of Palestinian origin could continue to live within the liberated country of Palestine Palestine would be secular (non-religious) and democratic Used guerrilla warfare against Israeli’s 1972 Olympic Massacre Yasser Arafat was leader of PLO until his death in 2004.

23 War of 1967 – Six-Day War Israel took control of Sinai Peninsula (Egypt), Gaza Strip West Bank, Golan Heights (Syria) Size of Israel tripled Israel kept control of Gaza Strip (from Egypt) and the West Bank (from Jordan) until 1993 Arab governments in Middle East gave three NOs to Israel No peace No recognition that the state of Israel exists No negotiation with Israel Also demanded a state for the Palestinian people

24 UN Declaration 242 Passed November 22, 1967
Called for a return of the land gained by Israel in Six Day War in return for peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors Creation of a Palestinian state based on pre-Six Day War borders Not implemented

25 1973: Yom Kippur War Syria and Egypt launched surprise attacks on Israel Yom Kippur is a high holy day Gained land initially, then Israel fought back and regained it America aided Israel Led OPEC to cut oil supplies to Israel and countries that supported it (USA, Japan, Canada, United Kingdom, & Netherlands)

26 1979: Camp David Accords Peace treaty signed between Israel & Egypt Egypt recognized Israel’s right to exist - first Arab country to do so Israel returned Sinai Peninsula to Egypt

27 Sadat (president of Egypt) Executed in 1981

28 In 1987, the PLO, under the leadership of Yasir Arafat, launched the Intifada (uprising)

29 Intifada (Uprising) Widespread campaign of civil disobedience
Use of boycotts & demonstrations Attacked Israeli soldiers, and rock throwing by unarmed teenagers Will last until the 1990s with little progress

30 1993: The Oslo Accords Portions of the West Bank & Gaza were to be governed by a Palestinian authority led by Yasir Arafat Attempts at peace today have been hindered by terrorist attacks


32 Terrorist Groups (According to US)
Hamas & Hezbollah: Groups whose goal is the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state methods include assassination, raids, bombing, and suicide bombing. 





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