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. |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ

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1 . |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ
Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova Facultatea Științe Economice Catedra Business și Administrare, Relații Economice Internaționale,Turism PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION . |Tibuleac A., drd., lect.univ

2 Object of discipline The course "Principles and practices of scientific communication" is aimed at providing the students mastery of basic knowledge in the field of business and scientific communication. This course helps in developing skills as science communicators through projects and analysis of theoretical principles. Case studies explore the emergence of popular science communication over the past two centuries and consider the relationships among authors, audiences and media. To understand the scientific developments; To know different sources of scientific information; Develop and refine skills in communication of scientific knowledge (broadly defined to include the ability to be conversant in scientific philosophy), and competency in oral presentation and technical writing of reviews and proposals; give, receive and assess criticism in the form of peer review;

3 Specific outcomes for the course
Course Outcomes Code Specific outcomes for the course Knowledge K 1 K 1.1.To understand the concept of international market and variations of marketing principles in international context. K 2.1. To know the stages of marketing planning in a business K 2 K 2.1. To understand the implications of legal, economic, cultural and social aspects on marketing decisions. K 3 K 3.1.To identify the major implications of marketing management within the international context. K 3.2. To understand how the marketing mix changes in international context. Abilities S 1 S 1. 1 The ability to apply the acquired knowledge managing different marketing decisions in the international context S1.2. The ability to assess the risks of exposure to the different social context S 2 S 2. 1 The ability to develop strategies for effective marketing actions. S 2.2. To find solutions for difficult situation emerged during international business. S 3 S3.1. To understand the limits between the ethical an unethical behavior during management of international marketing actions. Competences C 1 C 1. 1 The competence to collect and to interpret data related to interested field necessary for a successful marketing strategy. C 2 C To apply the critical thinking and to understand the behavior of foreign consumer. C 3 C 3.1. To formulate the correct marketing plans and strategies

4 Bybliography Requiered readings:
Gregory J., and Miller S. Science in Public: Communication Culture and Credibility. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1998. Chittenden, D., G. Farmelo, and B. V. Lewenstein, eds. Creating Connections: Museums and the Public Understanding of Current Research. CA: Altamira Press, ISBN: Links: Writting a scientific work Writting scientific articles Writing a scientific papaer editors-will-take-seriously

5 Share (%) of the final grade
Assessment Methods Nr Type of assignment Share (%) of the final grade Work in group, projects, simulations. 30 2. Presentation of individual tasks, testing, contribution activity in the classroom 20 3. Class activity 5 4. Class Attendance 5. Final Exam 40 6. Total 100

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