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2017 BC Sailing Annual Planning Conference November 18, 2017

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1 2017 BC Sailing Annual Planning Conference November 18, 2017
CANSail 2017 BC Sailing Annual Planning Conference November 18, 2017

2 What can we do to unite clubs and schools to participate in BC Sailing and feel more engaged with BC Sailing? How does your club support participation and registration of all participants and payment of the student fee?

3 Participant Numbers BC Sailing collects participant numbers and specific data on participants for: Sail Canada database and online sailor profile viaSport funding applications to provide improved (and more widely available) BC Sailing-funded programs! Analytics to assess gaps that need to be addressed in programming Eg. Canada-wide drop off after CANSail 3, and again at CANSail 5 Is there a big jump in requirements between CANSail 3 and 4? Are sailors remaining in the system, but joining race teams where levels are not given? Or are we losing sailors at certain ages? If so, we need to address how to keep those sailors engaged in another way. Are some areas better at retaining sailors through the programs? What are they doing that is different?

4 CANSail Profile Sailors must have an online profile with their CANSail progress updated through Checklick Shows progress through the CANSail system Helpful for sailors moving around the region or country Easy access to CANSail certifications for sailors pursuing instructor/coach stream

5 What are the participant fees
Maintenance and future development of LTS courses BC: Training new instructors Development of provincial sailing and instructor modules Other initiatives to promote sailing in BC Sail Canada: Supports provision and upgrades to the online sailor profile Ongoing improvements to sailor and sailing instructor programs *Please note that fees are only required to be paid per participant

6 CANSail Participant Fees
2017 2018 2019 2020 BC Sailing $8 $9 $12 Sail Canada Total $16 $18 $24 Learn to Cruise Participant Fees 2017 2018 2019 2020 BC Sailing $9.50 $11 $15 Sail Canada Total $19 $22 $30 School Membership Fees 2017 2018 2019 2020 BC Sailing $150 $175 Sail Canada Total $300 $350

7 Where we fit with other sports…
Participant Fee Swim BC (recreational) $32 Swim BC (competitive) $88 (U8) to $196 (age 15+) Soccer BC $21 (ages 6-10) to $34 (ages 11-18) Skating BC Tennis BC (competitive) $28 Gymnastics Canada (recreational) $15 (does not include PSA fee) Gymnastics Canada (competitive) $80 (does not include PSA fee) Sail Canada/BC Sailing total $18

8 How does this fit into the club budget?
Build into the registration cost Include the following in your registration paperwork: “Registration includes BC Sailing and Sail Canada program profile fee” Clubs are billed for each participant only once per year regardless of how many courses that participant took

9 Where do the fees go? Sail Canada BC Sailing
Supports provision and upgrades to the online sailor profile Ongoing improvements to sailor and sailing instructor programs BC Sailing Training new instructors Among the lowest course fees in Canada! Lower fees means more instructors Development of provincial sailing and instructor modules Other initiatives to promote sailing throughout the province OSA:

10 Going forward… Submitting CANSail participation data and fees are crucial in keeping our programming up to date Required for tracking sailors moving into other streams Participation fees are common practice among sports to maintain current programming and develop future programming

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