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Graded Quiz #4 Sept. 25, 2017 Clicker [AB]

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1 Graded Quiz #4 Sept. 25, 2017 Clicker [AB]
Covers: Module 1

2 Question #1 imaquiz MACRO decb ; 1 Byte inca ; 1 Byte
addb #-1t ; 2 Bytes bne $-\1t ; 2 Bytes ENDM org $800 ldaa #5t ldab #10t imaquiz 3 stop At the stop instruction, the base ten value in the (A) register is: (A) 0t (B) 14t  (C) 15t (D) 10t (E) This thing does not assemble or will trap on a bad instruction At the stop instruction, the base ten value in the (A) register is: (A) 0t (B) 14t (C) 15t (D) 10t (E) This thing does not assemble or will trap on a bad instruction

3 Question #2 imaquiz MACRO decb ; 1 Byte inca ; 1 Byte
addb #-1t ; 2 Bytes bne $-\1t ; 2 Bytes ENDM org $800 ldaa #5t ldab #10t imaquiz 3 stop For the (A) = 10t at the stop instruction, what should we replace the highlighted line with: (A) imaquiz 2 (B) imaquiz 0 (C) imaquiz 5 (D) imaquiz 4  (E) This is not possible For the (A) = 10t at the stop instruction, what should we replace the highlighted line with: (A) imaquiz 2 (B) imaquiz 0 (C) imaquiz 5 (D) imaquiz 4 (E) This is not possible

4 Question #3 (no “wrong” answer)
If Prof. Rogers created a video explanation for modules 2.A and 2.B (SRAM timing), would you: (A) Find it very helpful (i.e. watch it to help with studying) (B) Maybe scan through it (C) Never watch it, I got it the first time (D) Never watch it, I didn’t get it the first time and won’t get it by listening to the same explanation again. Just need to learn it on my own.

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