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Sequential circuits and Digital System Reliability

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1 Sequential circuits and Digital System Reliability
Dr. Konstantinos Tatas

2 ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University
Outline Sequential Circuits Register Shift Register Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load Counters Adder-based Ring Counter Johnson Counter Digital System Reliability What is Reliability Errors and Faults Design for Reliability ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

3 ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University
Register A register is a sequential circuit that stores a word. It is composed of flip-flops (usually D-type) ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

4 ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University
Shift Register A register that “shifts” its contents in one direction Composed of D f/fs chained so that each Q output is connected to the next D input ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

5 Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load
Inputs: Clock Reset 2 Control bits 00: no shift 01: shift right 10: shift left 11: parallel load Parallel load inputs Outputs: Parallel output ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

6 Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Load Circuit Diagram
ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

7 LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Pseudo-Random Number Generator Step Y 111 1 110 2 101 3 010 4 100 5 001 6 011 7 111 (repeats) Y Flops reset to 111

8 ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University
Counters Synthesizing a 4-bit up counter from VHDL using the “+” operator will produce this circuit signal ct: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Begin ct <= ct + ‘1’; ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

9 The trouble with adder-based counters
A ripple carry adder becomes too slow for large numbers of bits. Can use carry look-ahead adder Use “optimize for speed” in synthesis options Use JK or T flip-flops (not available in most FPGAs, but you can create one from D F/Fs) OR you can use the following counters ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

10 ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University
Ring Counter A shift counter with feedback that is initiated with one f/f in different state than the rest Total of N states (1-hot counter) Q0Q1Q2Q3 repeat ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

11 ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University
Johnson Counter A modification of the ring counter with 2*N states ACOE161 - Digital Logic for Computers - Frederick University

12 Digital System Reliability

13 What is Reliability? A digital system is reliable if it always performs according to its specification Truth table State diagram Integrated Circuits are becoming increasingly unreliable Transistors are so small that are affected by quantum effects Cosmic and electromagnetic radiation can cause errors

14 Errors and faults Fault, error and failure are often used synonymously in the literature, but they are related by the following cause-and-effect relationship: faults are the cause of errors errors are the cause of failures

15 Faults Faults happen at the physical level
There are many kinds of faults Can be distinguished into permanent (manufacturing faults or damage) and transient (faults due to radiation or quantum effects)

16 Errors Similarly errors can be classified as:
Hard errors (due to permanent faults) Soft errors (due to transient faults) Can be modeled simply as bits having an incorrect value permanently or temporarily A reliable design should be able to recover from soft errors

17 Design for Reliability
Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) Error detecting and/or correcting codes Parity Hamming codes Block codes Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

18 TMR Simply triplicate the module that must be designed reliably, use majority voter to determine correct output Assumes errors can occur to only one module at a time

19 Hamming distance Hamming distance between two n-bit vectors is the number of bits in which they differ. Example: The Hamming distance between “1010” and “0011” is 2

20 Error detecting codes In order to detect errors we need to add error detection bits to the data Error detecting codes are based on the idea that the data together with the error detection bits form a code, which has legal and illegal codewords. An error should change a legal codeword into an illegal one.

21 Parity bit The Parity bit is based on adding a single bit to the data so that the total number of ‘1’ is either odd or even Data bits Even parity code Odd parity code

22 Error-correcting and multiple error-detecting codes
By inserting more than one bit according to some rules, multiple errors can be detected or even corrected Hamming codes Bits in positions that are a power of 2 are even parity check bits Check bits are associated with the information bits which have a 1 in the same bit in binary (starting from bit 1): Check bit 1: information bit 1, 3, 5, 7 (001, 011, 101, 111) Check bit 2: information bits 2, 3, 6 and 7 (010, 011, 110, 111) Check bit 3: information bits 4, 5, 6, 7 (100, 101, 110, 111) Example: Information bits 0000 becomes Information bits 0101 becomes Single error correction example: Instead of we receive Check bit 1 yields error, check bit 2 yields correct, check bit 3 yields error. The common information bits in check bit 1 and check bit 3 are 5 and 7, but there is no error in bit 7 (check bit 2), so the error is in bit 5 Double error detection example: Instead of we receive Check bit 1 correct, check bit 2 error, check bit 3 correct: The error cannot be corrected

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