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Megatrend: ADAS / AD.

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Presentation on theme: "Megatrend: ADAS / AD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Megatrend: ADAS / AD

2 Topics Embedded Systems - Model-based design and test
Communication architectures - Functional safety assessment Wireless sensors and Car2X Automated Driving - Dependable power computing ADAS control functions Automated driving functions Co-operative active safety Energy Storages - Modeling, validation, and test - Safety (thermal, mechanical, functional) - Ageing investigation / data mining - Electrochemical optimization Multi-domain Simulation - Integration of development tools (FMI) - Distributed real-time systems - Real-time co-simulation - Hardware/Software integration (XiL) Control and Software - Model-based control (electrified transmission) Comprehensive energy management Software architectures, re-use, and variability Cloud-based information harvesting

3 ITI Research Center Industry Cooperations Science Know-how :
Vehicle Safety, Functional Safety, Control Computer Vision, Embedded Software, Security, Radar Sensors, Sensor Simulation Computer Vision Research Center Interface Industry/Science Coordination, Partner-network Knowledge buildup & -transfer Know-how : Real-Time co-Simulation vehicle connectivity, HMI, 360° sensors & sensor-fusion reliable in vehicle power computing, FuSa, cooperative active safety, driver models, real-time control ViF-Toolchain for benchmarking ADAS Validation of driving scenarios in „virtual test-lab“ Connected safety relevant driving assistance functions Industry International Partners: Audi, BMW, BOSCH, Continental, Daimler, Denso, TRW, Valeo, ZF, … Know-how : Advanced Simulation Tools, Testing, Engineering, System Integration, Volume Production,… Know-how : Components, Products, 11. Juli 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

4 Automated Driving: Demonstrator
Virtual Vehicle ADAS-Demo-Platform: + Actuation by wire: drive, brake, steer, indicate by wire + Sensors: camera, ultrasonic, vehicle dynamic, GPS (will be extended by radar, lidar, tof, ...) + Interfaces: HMI touch display, CAN, ROS, dSpace MAB (will be extended) + Modular development operating system: Modular software framework for developing highly automated driving (will be extended)  Applications: Measurement (sensor data acquisition, sensor fusion) Development and test (assistance functions) Energy management (hybrid car) Proving ground platform for projects ADAS Functions implemented for Demonstration message communication layer OS master node actuator node (steer/brake/drive) sensor node sensor node data processing node data logging node visualization node + ... 11. Juli 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

5 Optimization and Validation
Automated Driving: Demonstrator  Roadmap Deep learning Scene interpretation, Advanced HMI augmented reality, … HW-Platform NVIDIA, Infineon Aurix, dSPACE, Data logging & measurement equipment, self-diagnostics Electrified vehicle with internal access; steer, brake, drive by wire, dual energy storage Demonstrator Vehicle ~1,5 years+ in 1,5 years in ¾ -1 year Optimization and Validation HW-SW co-simulation, Distributed vehicle-Testing, Testdrives, Function optimization Vehicle in the loop tests in 1 year in ½ year ADAS Functions Implementation Advanced control (LKA, ACC, LCA, Motorway Assistant, EBA), Online Driver Monitoring, Collision detection, Traffic-Light-Assistant, Infrastructure interaction, sensor self-diagnostics … in ½- ¾ year ADAS Sensor Integration Radar, Camera, GPS, IMU, Ultrasonic, Lidar, Interior-Camera, C2X, Battery-monitoring Sensor-Fusion 11. Juli 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

6 Automated Driving: EU Projekte
AUTODRIVE ENABLE S3 Project Partner 57 Partners Lead: Infineon 82,2 M€ Project Volume Project Partner 74 Partners Lead: AVL 68 M€ Project Volume Advancing fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational electronic components, systems, and architectures for highly and fully automated driving for safer, efficient, affordable, and user-friendly future mobility ENABLE-S3 is industry-driven and aspires to substitute today’s cost-intensive verification & validation efforts by more advanced and efficient methods to pave the way for the commercialization of highly automated cyber physical systems (ACPS). Pure simulation cannot cover physics in detail due to its limitations in modelling and computation. Real-world tests are too expensive, too time consuming and potentially dangerous. Thus, ENABLE-S3 aims at developing an innovative solution capable of combining both worlds in an optimized manner. 11. Juli 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

7 Automated Driving: EU Projekte
TRUSTVEHICLE INFRAMIX Consortium Leader 12 Partners Lead: VIRTUAL VEHICLE 5 M€ Project Volume Project Partner 11 Partners Lead: AustriaTECH 4,9 M€ Project Volume TrustVehicle aims at advancing L3AD functions in normal operation and in critical situations (active safety) in mixed traffic scenarios and even under harsh environmental conditions. TrustVehicle follows a user-centric approach and will provide solutions that will significantly increase reliability and trustworthiness of automated vehicles and hence, contribute to end-user acceptance. INFRAMIX main target is to design, upgrade, adapt and test (in simulation and in real-world) both physical and digital elements of the road infrastructure, to enable the coexistence of automated and conventional vehicles, in specific scenarios, ensuring an uninterrupted, predictable, safe and efficient traffic; the key outcome will be a “hybrid” road infrastructure able to handle the transition period and become the basis for future automated transport systems. 11. Juli 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

8 ALP.Lab October 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

9 ALP.Lab: testing possibilities
in preparation planned planned planned Private Magna & AVL proving grounds, Graz/ Styria Eisenerz/ Styria (tunnel) Lungau proving grounds, Salzburg (tunnel, toll station, snow) The Red Bull Ring, Formula 1 Spielberg/ Styria in preparation planned planned planned Public Motorway A2, Graz-Ost – Laßnitzhöhe Mooskirchen – Graz-Ost (planned) Motorway A9, A2 St. Michael – Graz-Ost (tunnel, toll station) Motorway S6, S36, A9 Leoben – SLO (border crossing) City of Graz public roads, Graz/ Styria …with more testing grounds that will follow October 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

10 ALP.Lab at a glance October 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

11 Fully digital tool chain Initiative: Open Connected Testbed
Agenda Fully digital tool chain Initiative: Open Connected Testbed Functional system architecture MBSE – model-based systems engineering Action/Effect chain Key System simulation/real-time capability Modular design/structure Seamless transition: virtual/Vir-rel/real September 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

12 Energy preserving algorithms for stability (patented)
Real-Time Co-Simulation System Simulation / RT capability Combine simulation models from very different tools Seamlessly from MiL from SiL to HiL Key technology Energy preserving algorithms for stability (patented) September 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

13 VIR-REAL Environment Computing Platforms (NVIDIA, Aurix)
Sensor Aktuator Models Virtual Environment Virtual Dev. Env. Real Sensor Actuator (Vehicle) ADAS Function (Control, Data Fusion) MiL/SiL Computing Platforms (NVIDIA, Aurix) HiL September 2017 Dr. Jost Bernasch

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