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Presentation on theme: "AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY UNIT 4 TEST REVIEW : POLITICAL"— Presentation transcript:


2 JEOPARDY! POT LUCK Geo-politics Nation / States TERMS BORDERS 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 100 Name the 4 types of boundary disputes studied in class. What are:
1. Locational 2. Operational 3. Allocational 4. Definitional

4 200 The Philippines are an example of this state shape. Fragmented

5 300 The boundary type between Spain and France.
Natural/Physical border 43- Besides mountains, what else creates NATURAL-POLITICAL boundaries

6 Name the 3 evolutionary stages of boundaries (in order!!).
400 Name the 3 evolutionary stages of boundaries (in order!!). What are… 1. Definition 2. Delimitation 3. Demarcation

7 500 The boundary between the U.S. and Canada is classified as this TYPE of boundary. Geometric* Bonus 100- Based on Hartshorne’s Genetic Boundary Classifications what was the origin of this boundary. Antecedent

8 100 A country that has no coast on the open sea is Landlocked

9 200 Term for a people who share common historic, cultural, ethnic associations. What is NATION?* Bonus 100- Provide an example of a nation without a state. Palestinians, Kurds, Gypsies

10 300 The term for a central identified place which best represents a country’s national culture overall; and has by far the largest population. What is a PRIMATE CITY?

11 400 Nation-State organization type where the central gov’t’s authority is absolute over the entire state, leaving local areas little autonomy or self-rule. What is a UNITARY STATE?

12 500 The term for moving a nation’s capital city to achieve some national state goal. What is a FORWARD CAPITAL?* Bonus 100- Cite an example of a country that did this, giving the old and new Capital City!!! Pakistan- Karachi to Islamabad Brazil- Rio to Brasillia USA- Philadelphia to Washington DC Nigeria- Lagos to Abuja

13 100 This is the study of international political relationships & the context of where / how they occur. What is GEOPOLITICS?

14 200 Term for the movement of 3 or more states joining organizations which promote interstate cooperation and achievement of state goals. SUPRANATIONALISM* Bonus 100- What does NATO stand for? What is it’s purpose? Military alliance

15 300 Name for the zone adjacent to a country’s coast, extending the physical border of the country into the water. What is the TERRITORIAL SEA?* BONUS 100- How far is this designation? What is 12 Nautical Miles?

16 400 Developed in the 1970’s, this theory divided the world into Core, Semi-Periphery, and Periphery countries, where some countries benefit and others are exploited. Immanuel Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory

17 500 This theory, created in the early 20th, century advocated that any political power that controls the sea surrounding Eurasia could gain enough strength to dominate the world Nicolas Spykman’s Rimland Theory (Supported the ’containment of U.S.S.R)

18 100 Human Actions resulting in declining environmental security is called this. What is ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS?* Bonus 100pt- Provide an example of Human caused Environmental Stress. What is deforestation, desertification, etc.

19 200 This is another word for devolution. Balkanization

20 300 This government organization counts the population every 10 years, in order to develop electoral districts The Census

21 400 Term which explains the returning of separated lands (now in a foreign state) to the original country which had owned / claimed them. What is a IRREDENTISM?

22 500 Within Richard Hartshorne’s Origin-Based boundaries classification system, this boundary type is one that ceases to function, but can still be seen on the cultural landscape. What is a RELICT BOUNDARY?* Bonus 100 -What is an example of this (Had a good one from class!!)? What is THE BERLIN WALL?

23 100 This is the term for what is commonly known as an “Ice Age.”

24 200 The re-drawing of voting district lines for political advantage is called this. What is GERRYMANDERING?

25 300 A country that is small, roundish, and centralized
What is a COMPACT country?

26 400 Name 4 official countries which came out of the devolution of Yugoslavia. What are: Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia

27 500 Name the 5 permanent members of the UN security council?
What are: USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA, CHINA * BONUS 100 Q!!! Accept / Decline? Name the failed Supranational organization that existed before the U.N. What is THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS?


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