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Puritan Principles.

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Presentation on theme: "Puritan Principles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puritan Principles

2 Reasons for “new world” arrival
Religious freedom Economic opportunity

3 Utilitarian Literature
Instructional literature, meant to be useful in educating people in various skills

4 Core Beliefs Divine Mission Plainness Grace

5 Legacy of Government The Mayflower Compact paved the way for our current system of government, the Constitution and democracy

6 Saintly Behavior Since God’s grace was demonstrated by the most appropriate behavior, Puritans tried to be as “good” as possible

7 Plain Style Puritans favored this style
This use of language was less complicated than the “high style” being utilized in royal courts in Europe.

8 Lit Terms to KNOW & IDENTIFY examples of from Literature we’ve read
Purpose Extended metaphor Imagery Inversion Theme Motive Paradox Tone

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