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Decisions on CBS activities to support WMO priority activities

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1 Decisions on CBS activities to support WMO priority activities
Agenda 5.8 Decisions on CBS activities to support WMO priority activities

2 Consolidate the foundations
Upper air reports – Oct 2015 WIS implementation Consolidate the foundations WIS, WIGOS and the GDPFS form the foundation of operational activities, and will be a the core of delivering the needs of WMO priority activities. Observations Over 50 years after the foundation of the World Weather Watch, availability of observations is still not reaching the levels considered necessary for the Regional Basic Synoptic Networks. The plot shown is for upper air reports in Traditional Alphanumeric Codes. NWP needs higher resolution upper air information than is possible in TAC, but progress with migration to BUFR is disappointingly slow. WIS Progress is being made with the implementation of WIS, but to meet the needs of priority activities it will be necessary to exchange a broader range of information in a way that is interoperable with other communities – which will rely on the new features of WIS.

3 Document 5.8(2) Global Cryosphere Watch
National Partnership Regional CryoNet in RBON Focal points

4 Reporting snow depth Reports of snow depth benefit NWP
Report zero snow depth Reporting zero snow depth provides information – zero depth cannot be assumed if there is no reported depth ECMWF study showed that availability of snow depth data on GTS is less today than it was in Areas with sparse snow reports on the GTS exist in Bulgaria, China, Ukraine, USA, as well as in the southern hemisphere. For some countries data exist in near-real-time and is freely available, but not on the GTS (e.g. USA); in other countries it may be due to data policy (e.g. Finland) or lack of awareness (e.g. Bulgaria). For assimilation purposes, the observations of zero snow (snow-free ground), reported as zero (0) cm, are as important as observations of snow as they are needed for the Snow Model extent. However, snow depth is reported in some Regions only when snow or ice is present, thus no zero snow depth reports are provided. Regional practices as stipulated in the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume II differs from Region to Region. For example, in Region II the snow depth data shall be included only if there is ground snow or ice cover and in Region VI the snow depth data shall be reported only if snow or ice cover is observed on the ground. Changes are needed within the current regulations to ensure that all practices require the reporting of snow depth on a regular basis (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC) regardless of the state of ground during the entire period in which snow can be expected. Therefore, review of these practices across the Regions is needed.

5 Thank you Merci

6 Document d05-8(2) Polar and High Mountain Regions WMO Priority
Polar and High Mountain Regions WMO Priority driven & guided by Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar and High Mountain Observations Research and Services (EC-PHORS) GCW is guided by EC-PHORS, and its mission is to provide authoritative, understandable, and useable data, information, and analyses on the past, current and future state of the cryosphere to meet the needs of WMO Members and partners in delivering services to users, the media, public, decision and policy makers. Document includes two draft Recommendations draft Recommendation 5.8(2)/1 — Development of the Global Cryosphere Watch; draft Recommendation 5.8(2)/2 — International Exchange of Snow Data

7 GCW activities and added value
Observations CryoNet: Core network of surface observations Best practices & guidelines, intercomparisons Contributing to WMO’s space-based capabilities database OSCAR Data sharing & exchange Developing GCW Data Portal with up-to-date information on the state of the cryosphere Producing unique hemispheric products, e.g., “snow anomaly trackers” for SCE and SWE in collaboration with partners Engaging in historical data rescue (e.g., snow depth) Building a glossary of cryospheric terms Developing international training, outreach materials; co-sponsoring workshops

8 The CryoNet network – status
CryoNet Sites CryoNet Stations Contributing Stations Pre-operational 27 9 1 Candidates 20 38

9 draft Recommendation 5.8(2)/1 Development of the Global Cryosphere Watch;
CryoNet is the core observing component of GCW Updated concept of Sites/Station approved by EC, with minimum requirements for CryoNet Sites/Stations Selection of candidate Sites/Stations is underway following Application process and Questionnaire available on GCW Website Proposal on Sites/Stations expected by GCW Steering Group in Jan. 2017, then recommended by EC-PHORS-7 in Mar. 2017, then approved by EC-69 in 2017 RBON being defined in the WIGOS framework to replace RBSN & RBCN CryoNet Sites/Station potentially candidate for being part of RBON GCW National Focal Points (NFPs) are key for implementation of GCW & WIGOS and provide coordination at the national level for working with partners Not all Members have nominated GCW NFPs This draft CBS-16 Recommendation recommends the Executive Council to request Members to request Members to nominate GCW focal points Member to work with partners and contribute their respective stations to CryoNet Regional associations to consider relevant stations for the RBON

10 draft Recommendation 5.8(2)/2 International Exchange of Snow Data
CBS-Ext(2014) adopted new BUFR template (Snow Observation) allowing in particular the reporting of no-snow data (as opposed to missing) BUFR template used in Europe and additional reports from Sweden, Romania, the Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, Norway and Switzerland assimilated by ECMWF and showed positive impact on NWP (needed for snow model extend) However, the reporting practice of snow & no-snow is still not satisfactory (e.g. RA-II, RA-VI where snow is only reported when snow or ice cover is present) Changes of practice needed for reporting of snow on regular basis (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC) regardless of state of ground during entire period when snow can be expected It is proposed to make snow and no-snow reporting practice mandatory, 4 times a day, where snow is expected (shall) and amend Manual on GOS, Vol I accordingly

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