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Chapter 11 Review March 2017 Industry.

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1 Chapter 11 Review March 2017 Industry

2 What are Maquiladora’s possibly taking advantage of?
Lax environmental enforcement

3 In contrast to Fordist production, Post-Fordist production is more likely to
introduce more flexible work rules.

4 ¾ of the world’s industrial production is centered where? (Be specific)
Eastern North America, Northwest Europe, and East Asia

5 Outside of the three world regions where industry is concentrated, the next two largest industrial producing countries are Brazil and India.

6 The only step of the copper production process that is not significantly bulk-reducing is

7 Maintaining control over all phases of a highly complex production process, as opposed to outsourcing, is known as vertical integration

8 What are site factors? Location factors related to the costs of factors of production inside a plant such as land, labor, and capital.

9 What are situation factors?
Location factors related to the transportation of materials into and from a factory.

10 The world’s chief source for copper is?

11 The Rhine-Rhur Valley is located near what that helps with it’s success?
Coal Deposits

12 What country is expected to surpass the US in 2020 as the largest economy?
China In 2035? India will be second

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