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Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural Statistics

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1 Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural Statistics
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Land and Water Division Contribution of the Water Unit to the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural Statistics through AQUASTAT FAO’s global information system on water and agriculture by Karen FRENKEN Coordinator for the AQUASTAT Programme Seminar on global strategy for improving agricultural and rural statistics for Permanent Representatives FAO-Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 22 June 2009

2 Observation While agricultural statistics include many items related to land and land use, there is a tendency to forget to include statistics on water, especially water required for irrigation Irrigation 70 % Industry 20 % Municipalities 10 % Water withdrawal by sector

3 Litres per day per capita
Water and agriculture Litres per day per capita Essential Abundant Drinking 2 4 Domestic 40 400 Food 1 000 5 000

4 Collaboration between the Statistics Division (ESS) and the Land and Water Division (NRL) on water-related items FAOSTAT: Area equipped for irrigation, harmonized with AQUASTAT AQUASTAT: All other water-related items World Census on Agriculture 2010 (WCA2010): Module on water management, harmonized with AQUASTAT Global strategy for improving agricultural statistics: Water-related items, harmonized with AQUASTAT

5 MDGs, water and agriculture
MDG-1: Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty MDG-7: Ensure environmental sustainability MDG water indicator 7.5 Proportion of renewable water resources withdrawn AQUASTAT is responsible to provide the data for this indicator: Renewable water resources Water withdrawn by agriculture, municipalities and industries


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