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Created by : Aliza Achter

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Presentation on theme: "Created by : Aliza Achter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by : Aliza Achter
U 4 w5 Created by : Aliza Achter

2 PALE Light in color Ex. The moon was a pale color last night.

3 Excite To stir up. Ex. The students got excited when they got ice cream.

4 Outdoors Not inside Ex. The are many trees and animals outdoors.

5 drops Small amounts of liquid Ex. The rain fell in small drops.

6 alliteration Repeating same sounds at the beginning of words.
Sally sells seashells at the seashore.

7 Free verse Poem in which words do not need to rhyme.
Our teacher let us write a free verse poem about anything we wanted.

8 repetition Repeating words or phrases in a poem.
The poem said the same thing over and over.

9 simile Compares two things with words like or as.
The wind was as cold as ice.

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