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Tools to support the Integrated Implementation of the SDGs/A2063

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1 Tools to support the Integrated Implementation of the SDGs/A2063
ECA Tools to support the Integrated Implementation of the SDGs/A2063 Macroeconomic Policy Division UN Economic Commission for Africa July 2018 High Level Political Forum, New York

2 ECA | Key messages 2 Integrating multiple international commitments in national plans is vital for implementation Integration requires understanding of how the commitments relate to each other (horizontal coherence) and to national priorities (vertical) The IPRT visually illustrates the relationship between A2030 and A2063, The IPRT identifies which sectors and national indicators are aligned to both agendas The software also tracks performance on the indicators of a national plan with the possibility of isolating aligned indicators An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

3 Ensuring Coherence | ECA Multiple development agendas call for coherent integration in national development frameworks Horizontal coherence: do the multiple international agendas speak to each other? SDGs A2063 Paris Agreement An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

4 ECA SDGs Strongly matched with A2063 Weakly matched with A2063 Total
Ensuring Coherence | Mapping for integration 4 SDGs Strongly matched with A2063 Weakly matched with A2063 Total No association Number of goals 11 6 17 Percent of goals 64.7 35.29 100 Number of targets 62 56 118 51 Percent of targets 36.7 33.13 69.8 30.2 Number of indicators 96 66 162 79 Percent of indicators 39.8 27.4 67.21 32.8 An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

5 Corresponding Agenda 2030 Goal
Agenda 2063 Goals Corresponding Agenda 2030 Goal 1 A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being for All 1: No poverty 2 Well Educated Citizens and Skills revolution underpinned by Science, Technology and Innovation 4: Quality Education 3 Healthy and Well-Nourished Citizens 3: Good health and well being 4 Transformed Economies and Job Creation 8: Decent work 5 Modern Agriculture for increased productivity and production 6 Blue/ocean economy for accelerated economic growth 14: Life below water 7 Environmentally sustainable climate resilient economies and communities 13: Climate Action 8 United Africa (Federal or Confederate) 9 Key Continental Financial and Monetary Institutions established and functional 10 World Class Infrastructure crisscrosses Africa 9: Industry, infrastructure

6 Agenda 2063 Goal Corresponding Agenda 2030 Goal 11 Democratic values, practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law entrenched 12 Capable institutions and transformed leadership in place at all levels 13 Peace, Security and Stability are Preserved 16: Peace & Security 14 A Stable and Peaceful Africa 15 A Fully Functional and Operational African Peace and Security Architecture 16 African Cultural Renaissance is pre-eminent 17 Full Gender Equality in All Spheres of Life 5: Gender Equality 18 Engaged and Empowered Youth and Children 19 Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence 20 Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development

7 is an attempt at horizontal coherence
Tracking Performance| Integrated Regional Results Framework Framework ECA The AU Integrated Regional Monitoring and Reporting framework merges Agenda 2063 with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an attempt at horizontal coherence Comprises 63 core indicators drawn from A2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

8 Vertical coherence: do the international frameworks speak to national priorities?
2030 Agenda Agenda 2063 National Plan

9 ECA Agenda 2030 Agenda 2063 Ensuring Coherence | Mapping Goal
9 Agenda 2030 Agenda 2063 Goal End poverty in all its forms everywhere A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being for All/Poverty and Hunger Priority Area N/A Poverty inequality and Hunger Target 1.1. By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day   Reduce 2013 levels of poverty by at least 30%. Indicator 1.1.1 Proportion of population below the international poverty line, by sex, age, employment status and geographical location (urban/rural) % of population living below the national poverty line by sex G1 A high standard of living, quality of life and wellbeing for all citizens; G2: Well educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and innovation. G3: Healthy and well-nourished citizens; G4: Transformed economies. G5 Modern agriculture for increased productivity and production: G6: Blue/ocean economy for accelerated economic growth G7: Environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and communities: G8 A United Africa (Federal or Confederate): G9 Continental financial and monetary institutions established and functional: G10 World class infrastructure criss - crosses Africa: G11 Democratic values, practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law entrenched: G12 Capable institutions and transformative leadership in place: G13 Peace, security and stability is preserved : G14 A stable and peaceful Africa: G15 A fully functional and operational APSA: G16 African cultural renaissance is preeminent: G17 Full gender equality in all spheres of life: G18 Engaged and empowered youth and children: G19 Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence: G 20 Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development. An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

10 ECA Agenda 2030 Agenda 2063 Ensuring Coherence | Mapping Goal
10 Agenda 2030 Agenda 2063 Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being for all Priority N/A Poverty Inequality and Hunger Target 2.1. By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round      Reduce 2013 levels of proportion of the population who suffer from hunger by at least 80% Indicator 2.1.1 Prevalence of undernourishment The share of population living below minimal level of daily dietary energy G1 A high standard of living, quality of life and wellbeing for all citizens; G2: Well educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and innovation. G3: Healthy and well-nourished citizens; G4: Transformed economies. G5 Modern agriculture for increased productivity and production: G6: Blue/ocean economy for accelerated economic growth G7: Environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and communities: G8 A United Africa (Federal or Confederate): G9 Continental financial and monetary institutions established and functional: G10 World class infrastructure criss - crosses Africa: G11 Democratic values, practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law entrenched: G12 Capable institutions and transformative leadership in place: G13 Peace, security and stability is preserved : G14 A stable and peaceful Africa: G15 A fully functional and operational APSA: G16 African cultural renaissance is preeminent: G17 Full gender equality in all spheres of life: G18 Engaged and empowered youth and children: G19 Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence: G 20 Africa takes full responsibility for financing her development. An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

11 ECA’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Toolkit/Software

12 ECA Key Features | ECA Integrated Planning and Reporting Tool Facilitates alignment/integration of both agendas at goal, target and indicator levels Facilitates validation of alignment/integration Assesses the degree of alignment by sector and dimension of sustainable development Simultaneously aligns NDP to A2030 and A2063 Identifies reasons for non-integration; a basis for support Generates reports that can assist preparations for National Voluntary Reporting to the High Level Political Forum An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

13 ECA Key Features | ECA Integrated Planning and Reporting Tool Flexible enough to incorporate additional internationally agreed frameworks Aligns policies/strategies with both agendas Tracks performance of NDPs over time and assess quantitative gaps between actual performance and targets Can be used both online and off-line An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

14 ECA IPRT | Institutional Requirements A coordinating entity to oversee the integration exercise: typically the entity responsible for planning The Results Framework of the National Development Plan that identifies SDG corresponding goals, targets and indicators A computer with windows operating system An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

15 ECA Key Features of the IPRT Tool | Attribute IPRT Automated? Yes
15 Attribute IPRT Automated? Yes Performance tracking? Integrates A2030? Integrates A2063? Generates reports? An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG


17 ECA Integration Tools | ECA’s IPRT 17 Is SDG/Agenda 2063 in NDP? Yes
Partially Why? Reasons List matching goal/target/indicator Fully Proceed to next goal/target/indicator No Why Not? An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG


19 Sample report of the Toolkit: Ethiopia
SDG Goal/Target/Indicator Is it in NDP? The Goal/Target/Indicator is matching the following Matching Level Agenda 2063 G2:End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Yes GS02.20:Esnsure Sustainable Agriculture through expansion of Watershed Development Activities Fully Matching 1: A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being for AllCitizens 3: Healthy and Well-Nourished Citizens 5: Modern Agriculture for increased productivity and production 7: Environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and communities 8: United Africa (Federal or Confederate)

20 Number of SDG Indicators in Ethiopia’s NDP
ECA Key Requirements | Sample report of the Tool Number of SDG Indicators in Ethiopia’s NDP Degree of matching SDGs Agenda 2063 Full 18 29 Partially 10 21 Not matched 216 Total: 244 An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

21 ECA Ethiopia | ECA Integrated Planning and Reporting Tool
An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

22 ECA Ethiopia | ECA Integrated Planning and Reporting Tool
An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

23 ECA Ethiopia | ECA Integrated Planning and Reporting Tool
An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG

24 ECA Percent of NDP Fully Matching Percent of NDP Partially Matching
Alignment Results | Gambia 24 Percent of NDP Fully Matching Percent of NDP Partially Matching Total (%) Agenda 2030 28.2 14.1 42.3 Agenda 2063 21.4 13.4 34.9 Percent of Indicators Aligned with SDGs/Agenda | UNECA.ORG

25 ECA Alignment by Strategic Pillar | The Gambia Strategic Pillar
25 Strategic Pillar Agenda 2030 Agenda 2063 Governance, Human rights and Security Sector reform 18.18 18.08 Modernize agriculture, agribusiness and fisheries 53.9 38.5 Human capital development (education, health and social protection 67.5 59.4 Infrastructure and energy 30.7 38.1 Tourism and culture 40 20 Youth empowerment and development 11.1 An integrated approach to implementation | UNECA.ORG


27 ECA Conclusions | 27 The proliferation of international initiatives and commitments and the interlinked nature of such commitments requires an integrated approach to aligning, implementing and tracking performance ECA’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Tool facilitates integrated alignment of multiple frameworks in national plans at three levels: goals; targets and indicators Alignment is also disaggregated by: sector and; dimension of sustainability By aligning national policies to the targets of Agenda 2063 and 2030 it supports policy coherence in the implementation of both By consolidating national results frameworks in one database it facilitates integrated performance tracking of both agendas as well as national development priorities Supporting Institutional development | UNECA.ORG

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