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Literacy Instruction: Grade 3

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1 Literacy Instruction: Grade 3
By Christine Bell

2 New Curriculum 21st Century Student Outcomes (P21 skills)
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. New Curriculum 21st Century Student Outcomes (P21 skills) Common Core Standards Digital Environment

3 New Curriculum How do we get students to persevere?
How do we get students to transfer perseverance of video games to school? Engagement

4 New Curriculum Rigor: Not harder work or more problems! Brain sweat
Cognitively demanding Worthy of student’s time Takes longer to complete- more than one day Relevant Accessible Responsive- based on student scores

5 New Curriculum Important Timelines:
All teachers will have laptop or IPad All students will have laptop or IPad (1:1 instruction) MSA~ do NOT prepare students for the MSA! PARCC~ Learning/Baseline year PARCC~ Scores will count/matter 

6 Understanding by Design (UbD)
3 Stages: Desired Results~ Transfer goals, meanings, essential questions, knowledge & skill. Evidence~ Performances and products that will reveal evidence of meaning-making and transfer. Learning Plan~ Activities, experiences, and lessons that will lead to desired results and success.

7 Curriculum~ Grade 3 Year Round Theme~ Investigations
Unit 1 Theme~ Character Traits Units 2-6 are being written Each unit is 6-8 weeks long

8 Literacy Units Each unit begins with a Diagnostic Event to form student groupings. Broken into 2 Learning Segments. After segment 1, give Progress Monitoring activity. After segment 2, give Culminating Event. Rubrics No more Short Cycles or Benchmarks… RUMOR

9 Balanced Literacy Framework
Reading and Writing~ Modeled Shared Guided Independent/self-selected

10 Daily Lessons~ Shared Learning Experience (SL)
Times differ each day. Some SL can last more than one day. Modeled= Begin each week with a new song/poem. Use each day. Our choice

11 Daily Lessons~ Shared Learning Experience (SL)
Modeled= Read Aloud/Mentor text One copy per teacher Who is Roald Dahl? Shared= Students read text with teacher Enough for the entire class James and the Giant Peach

12 Daily Lessons~ Shared Learning Experience (SL)
Guided= Small group (SG) Students read ability-level books Scaffolding (below) Teacher Choice 18 copies Enormous Crocodile Enrichment (on) Fantastic Mr. Fox Acceleration (above)… NO GT label 10 copies Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

13 Daily Lessons~ Shared Learning Experience (SL)
Independent= Students complete Meaningful Independent Work on their ability level Anchor Activities Independent reading Centers/stations?

14 Miscellaneous Topics Word Study= Words Their Way
If not sure how to use it, “keep doing what you’ve been doing.” Recommended to use during SG. MAP is still given this year but not sure about the following years. DIBELS is optional. Essential Questions being posted when targeted. Weekly Learning Goals found at the top of the Weekly Planner also are posted and students should be aware of the instructional goals.

15 Miscellaneous Topics Phonics= Benchmark Phonics
Not purchased for grade 3 because according to Common Core, students should not need phonics in 3rd grade. Can use Phonics kits because they are in building. Recommended to use during SG. Will be available online. K= Start Up 1st= Build Up 2nd= Spiral Up Pre/Post Assessments 32 Units for each grade

16 Miscellaneous Topics Phonics Can use Open Court
Don’t need to hang up Sound/Spelling cards? Can use

17 Miscellaneous Topics Embedded Assessments are NOT optional.
The curriculum is a suggested guide so we can make changes. Lexile Levels can be converted to Grade Level Equivalent and Guided Reading Levels. WIKI space open to share materials? After unit survey for teachers.

18 Miscellaneous Topics Committee is in place to review/revise report cards. What do we grade=?? Trying to get a company for electronic performance tracking. During 1st-2nd weeks of school you can ease into small groups so you can practice rules/routines, especially for small group.

19 Miscellaneous Topics Unit 2= Non-Fiction.
Students are not expected to read James and Giant Peach independently. Books do not go home with students. HW= ? Enormous Crocodile should take a week to read. Up to 1 hour of SG time per day. Meet with all 3 groups daily. HM for extra resources.

20 Miscellaneous Topics Grammar is embedded in curriculum
Might need to supplement. HM English. Acceleration activities were created by GT office. Anchor activities are supposed to take several days. Anchor activities are optional. Need Reading Response Journals. 100 Book materials can be used but not mandated by county. Usernames/Passwords= print from EASI for each student (no more 3c, 3).

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