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May 16 – TTC Socratic Take out: SS Prep Sheet Pen/Pencil Book Agenda:

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1 May 16 – TTC Socratic Take out: SS Prep Sheet Pen/Pencil Book Agenda:
Guidelines and Transitions Socratic Seminar

2 Guidelines and Transitions: Fishbowl SS
You need to be courteous and respectful of other people and their opinions (Credit will be taken away) You need to use transition phrases when you begin speaking You need to remain focused on the topic at hand Those on the inside can add to the conversation Those on the outside should take notes on what is being said, and think about things they could add/ask If you have something to say, you may switch with another person only after they have added to the conversation TWICE Transition Phrases: (things to say when you have something to say) I have something to add… I have a different opinion about that… I have some evidence to support this idea… I have a question…

O’Brien’s experience is that the fear of shame in front of one’s peers is a powerful motivating factor in wartime. In what other ways and situations can fear and shame be motivators? Find and explain three distinct examples from the novel that show how fear or shame can motivate individuals. Find concrete details with page numbers. Come up with two examples from your own life that show how fear and shame can be motivators.

The “things” that they carried were both emotional and physical. How can physical and emotional burdens either help or hinder an individual? Find and explain three distinct examples from the novel that show distinct physical and emotional burdens carried by the characters. Find concrete details with page numbers. Come up with two examples from your own life that show your own physical or emotional burdens.

O’Brien brings the idea of truth in storytelling into question throughout the book. How does O’Brien define truth and the need for truth in storytelling? Find and explain three distinct examples from the novel that show the subjectivity and manipulation of truth in storytelling. Find concrete details with page numbers. Come up with two examples from your own life that show how stories can be manipulated to enhance the truth of a story.

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