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Ruth St. Amour & Travis Neff

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1 Ruth St. Amour & Travis Neff
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Division of Community and Regional Affairs Municipal Lands Trustee Program Ruth St. Amour & Travis Neff November 30, 2017

2 Frequently Asked Questions about the Municipal Lands Trustee (MLT) Program

3 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Section 14(c)(3)
“...the Village Corporation shall then convey to any Municipal Corporation in the Native village or to the State in trust for any Municipal Corporation established in the Native village in the future, title to the remaining surface estate of the improved land… and as much additional land as is necessary for community expansion…” - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Section 14(c)(3)

4 Which villages are part of the MLT program?
ANCSA villages that are not incorporated as cities are associated with the MLT Program

5 How many communities have MLT land?
Of the 93 villages in the MLT program, the State holds land in trust in 43 communities.


7 Is MLT land restricted title land?
MLT land is not in restricted status. It is held in trust for a future city government.


9 Can ANCSA land be put into federal trust before an ANCSA 14(c)(3) settlement is completed?
The requirement for a 14(c)(3) settlement applies to all of the village corporation’s land, and is a “cloud on the title” until the settlement has been completed.


11 Does an ANCSA 14(c)(3) land settlement have to be for 1,280 acres?
ANCSA originally required the conveyance of 1,280 acres under Section 14(c)(3). However, ANILCA changed that requirement to be less than 1,280 acres if both parties agree in writing to a smaller amount. MLT settlements range in size from 0 to 1,274 acres.

12 Tazlina Map of Boundaries

13 What if the community needs to use the land held in trust by the State?
MLT land is used for schools, clinics, airports, community halls, housing, and other local needs.

14 Tatitlek School

15 Kokhanok Clinic

16 Pedro Bay Airport

17 Manley Hot Springs Hall

18 How much does it cost to use MLT land?
With local approval, land can be made available for public purposes or for housing by local residents at no cost.

19 What is an Appropriate Village Entity (AVE)?
The AVE is a group recognized to speak for local residents. The AVE must approve any use of MLT land.

20 Takotna AVE

21 For more information about the Municipal Lands Trustee Program
Please contact: Ruth St. Amour Travis Neff Division of Community and Regional Affairs 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1640 Anchorage, AK fax:

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