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Crossing the Development-Organizing Divide

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Presentation on theme: "Crossing the Development-Organizing Divide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crossing the Development-Organizing Divide
A Comparative Case Study Randy Stoecker

2 The Question Community development corporations, CDCs, are promoted as the best answer for revitalizing impoverished and disinvested neighborhoods. Increasingly, they are being asked to go beyond their usual mission of housing and economic development to develop community. The question is, can they? And, if so, how?

3 Community Development
Some Definitions Community Organizing Community Development Goals Build Community Power Create Housing and Businesses Worldview Conflict—haves and have-nots lack common interests and relationships are zero sum. Cooperation—haves and have-nots realize common interests and relationships are win-win. Strategies Organize residents to confront elites and demand changes in the distribution of power. Cooperate with elites to fund or subsidize development of housing and businesses. Source of Human Capital Residents, mostly volunteers, with broad-based neighborhood experience. Paid staff, mostly non-residents with specific technical expertise.

4 Variations on Community Organizing
Variations on Community Organizing Power Organizing Development Organizing Types Institution-based or individual-based Community building, asset-based, consensus-based, women centered Structure organization of organizations or of individuals. organization of individuals, or coalition; may be informal. Exclusive/ Inclusive exclusive within community. may cross community or structural boundaries. Strategic Focus external policy maker or power holder targets. internal development of community itself. Tactics conflict and negotiation. skill and resource identification, primary relationship building, service provision. Goals policy change and community power. individual empowerment and internal community development.

5 Worldviews and Community Practice Models
Conflict Functionalism Power Organizing Community Development Scarce resources Conflicting interests Unequal distribution Domination Complementary interests Common goals Natural selection Equilibrium Can Power Organizing and Community Development Be Combined in CDCs?

6 A Dialectical Model of Community Change Programs
Intra-organizational Pressures Program Innovation Organizational Adaptation Program Goals Tension Resolution Strategies Practices Social Change Tactics Failure External Pressures

7 Toledo Community Organizing Training and Technical Assistance Program
Lagrange Development Corporation / Lagrange Village Council – LDC/LVC Organized Neighbors Yielding Excellence – ONYX Predominantly African-American Economically diverse, middle class and poor Successful housing developer Appointed board History of failed CO Historically Polish, now racially diverse Working class and poor Successful housing developer Democratically elected board History of successful CO *Toledo Central City Neighborhoods / Neighbors in Action dropped out early.

8 Program Components – Years 1 and 2
Foundation pressures for community organizing Choosing consultants/trainers Setting up the program: director, organizer, and board training ONYX staff turnover TCCN/NIA exit Slumlord Action Year Developing program growth and sustainability strategies Institutionalizing power organizing in the neighborhoods Inter-organizational conflicts Challenges in ONYX Shift to individualized mentoring

9 Program Transition – Years 3 and 4+
Funding pressures and conflict with funders Founding of ACORN organization in Toledo LDC/LVC, ONYX, ACORN affiliation structure Reduction in training and technical assistance Year to present Formation of sponsoring committee ONYX ends community organizing Expansion of ACORN to three neighborhoods Turnover of organizers LVC wins $500,000 of city capital improvements

10 Intra-organizational
Outcomes: ONYX Appointed Board Lack of Board/Staff CO Knowledge CO Combined with CD Intra-organizational Pressures Program Innovation Program Goals Tension Resolution Strategies Organizational Adaptation Practices Social Change Tactics Failure External Pressures Insecure Development Funding City “Watch” List

11 Intra-organizational
Outcomes: LDC/LVC Elected Board (LDC and LVC) Strong Board/Staff CO Knowledge CO Insulated from CD Intra-organizational Pressures Program Innovation Program Goals Tension Resolution Strategies Organizational Adaptation Practices Social Change Tactics Failure External Pressures Secure Development Funding City as Target (LVC)

12 Elaborating the Development-Organizing Dialectic
Community Organizing Community Development Democratic membership expansion Independence from elites Support for conflict Rule challenging Restricted participation Dependence on elites Avoidance of conflict Rule following

13 Managing the Development- Organizing Dialectic in CDCs
The importance of early organizational assessment and buy-in: What do the executive director, staff organizer, and board members know about organizing in general and different organizing models? What is the structure of the organization? Are leaders elected or appointed? How are leaders identified/recruited? Who supervises the organizer? How do board and staff respond to a series of organizing vs. development dilemmas (such as doing an action against a bank that funds CDC projects)? The importance of clarifying the organizing-development dialectic: Educating leaders and staff about conflict and functionalist perspectives Educating leaders and staff about different organizing models The importance of structuring the organizing-development dialectic: Formal separation of organizing and development activities Maintaining board and staff expertise in power organizing

14 Current Tests of the Model
Minneapolis Cedar-Riverside Community Organizing Assessment and Planning Project Former British Settler Colonies Comparison Cedar-Riverside

15 For More…

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