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Wednesday, 9/7 Day 2 2- Fill out your Agenda. Science Starter:

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 9/7 Day 2 2- Fill out your Agenda. Science Starter:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 9/7 Day 2 2- Fill out your Agenda. Science Starter:
Science Starters Sheet Agenda Science notebook 1. Please have these Items on your desk. 2- Fill out your Agenda. Science Starter: What is stuff? What is stuff made of?

2 Lab Activity-Molecules in Motion
At your lab station you will find a beaker of room temperature water. Add 2 drops of food coloring to the beaker of water. Draw your results in the boxes on your paper for #1. Beginning-10 seconds Middle- 20 seconds End- 30 seconds

3 Lab Activity-Molecules in motion
Answer questions 2 & 3 on your paper. When you have finished, I will bring the hot water & cold water so your group can complete the explore section of the activity. Note- You may not have the same color food coloring as listed in the hand-out. #6- A storyboard is like what you saw in problem 1.

4 Clean Up Replace the covers on the food coloring bottle. Wipe the outside of the bottle off. Empty beakers into sink, rinse and wipe out. Wipe up any spills on the lab station counter. Leave the lab station ready for the next class.

5 Post-Lab: Hot & Cold W.S Complete questions 1-8 on the hand out.
Use complete sentences. Simple drawings are okay. Be neat and accurate. We will be white boarding these questions.

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