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How can I relate the various components of Africa’s geography, culture, government, economy, and history to other content areas? A Trip to an African Destination.

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Presentation on theme: "How can I relate the various components of Africa’s geography, culture, government, economy, and history to other content areas? A Trip to an African Destination."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can I relate the various components of Africa’s geography, culture, government, economy, and history to other content areas? A Trip to an African Destination (A Cross-Curricular Learning Opportunity)

2 How will you be graded? Rubric

3 You have been hired as a researcher for a travel agency
You have been hired as a researcher for a travel agency. The agency has asked you to choose an African destination to highlight at an upcoming convention. To receive your payment for this assignment, you must complete several activities. The final product for your job assignment will require you to create a display poster with specific information. Your Task

4 Task 1: Number Cruncher (MCC7.NS.3)
Create a table that shows the costs of a trip to this destination: Research and find the amount that it will cost you to fly from the US to the place you’ve chosen as your African destination. (Remember you will need round-trip costs.) Locate one tourist attraction that would generate interest and be a great place to visit (How much will this cost in addition to the travel costs?) Convert $100 spending money into the currency used in the area you will visit Task 1: Number Cruncher (MCC7.NS.3)

5 Number Cruncher Hotel/Lodging Costs Expenses for Flight (Round Trip)
Expenses for Eating Conversion of Money Number Cruncher

6 Task 2: Biome Investigator (S7L4e)
Identify the biome for the area: Include information about the climate, animals, and plants found in this area. (Remember you are a photographer. Pictures generate interest for the audience.) Identify and create a list of clothing needed on the trip. (This will be based on the time of year you are visiting the area.) You may present this information in a way that is most suitable for you. Be creative. Task 2: Biome Investigator (S7L4e)

7 Biome: ______________
Packing List Biome: ______________ Climate Animals Plants Biome Investigator

8 Task 3: Letters Back Home (ELACC7W4)
Create a post-card to send home to a family member or your close friend. (Again, you are a photographer. Choose a picture that conveys your skill to your employer.) You must show the front and back of the postcard in your final presentation. What environmental issues are the people facing? (MOST IMPORTANT) Be sure to tell your family how the trip is going. Are you having fun? Have seen any animals? How is the weather? GRAMMAR IS IMPORTANT! Task 3: Letters Back Home (ELACC7W4)

9 Front Back Letters Home Dear Mom, I am having….. I miss you ….
Love always, Bobby Jane Letters Home

10 Task 4: The Great Cartographer (SS7G2)
 Include a map of Africa that specifically indicates the area you have chosen to visit for your job assignment. (You may draw this or print a map from the internet.) Indicate what environmental issues are faced by the people in this area. For example, water pollution, poor soil, deforestation, and desertification are a few things we’ve discussed in class. Do these issues affect the people in this area? Be specific and mark this with an illustration on your final product. Task 4: The Great Cartographer (SS7G2)

11 The Great Cartographer
Be sure to identify the environmental issues faced by the people in this area. The Great Cartographer

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