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Interactive Science ​Notebooks

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1 Interactive Science ​Notebooks

2 Why are we using INB's?? All scientists use some form of lab notebook or journal to 
​keep their work. Take a look: • Fig. 1: Sir Charles Darwin ( ) - Darwin was a naturalist who is famous for his 1959 publication of On the Origin of Species, outlining the theory of evolution by natural selection. Evolutionary theory unifies the life sciences and provides an explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and how they came to be. The excerpt is taken from Darwinʼs Notebook B, written in the years immediately following his voyage on the Beagle. In it, he sketches the relationships between related species in what is now known as the “tree of life”. Fig. 2: Alexander Graham Bell ( ) - Bell was a scientist, engineer, and inventor whose investigations on sound resulted in the invention of the first telephone. The excerpt describes the first successful telephone call between Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, between two adjoining rooms. Bell also experimented widely in other fields and is credited with the invention of the metal detector and with extensive research into medical treatments for the deaf, hydrofoils and aeronautics. for his theory of general relativity. At the heart of this theory of 
​Einsteinʼs field equations, Fig. 3: Albert Einstein ( ) - Einstein is known as the 
​father of modern physics a set of ten equations that describe how the geometry of 
​space and time are influenced by whatever matter is present. This excerpt is taken from one 
​of Einsteinʼs notebooks from 1928 in which he is thinking about these field equations 
​and trying to understand some of their implications and extend it to explain electricity 
​and magnetism.

3 INB Layout

4 Your Name 7th Science Period ____ Mrs. Martin 2017-2018
1st Lined page: Create a Title Page Your Name 7th Science Period ____ Mrs. Martin Chromebook #:____

5 Table of Contents 1. Turn the page and find the Table of Contents sheet given to you by your teacher. 2. You will need to trim down the edges of the Table of Contents sheet and glue this into your INB 
​on the next lined page after the Title Page (right side). pic of TOC here

6 Page 1 1. Skip 3 blank pages after the Table of Contents page and this will be your page 1. 2. In the top Right hand corner put p.1 and the date. 3. Title this page Syllabus 4. Find your syllabus that was handed out to you last week. You will need to trim down the 
​edges but not the top. Put a strip of glue across the back of the top of the syllabus and 
​glue it in just below the title of the page. You will then need to fold up the part that hangs off 
​the page. 5. Title the left page About Me. Add this page to the left side. Again, add this to the table of contents. p.1 9/6/2017 Syllabus page number & date Title

7 Page 2-Spongebob Safety Rules
1. At the top corner of your RIGHT page, number it p.2 and date it. 2. Title this page Spongebob Safety Rules on the top line 4. Title the LEFT page Crazy Lab. Add this to your left page and then to your Table of contents.

8 Date 5 pts ea. day Page 3-Warm Ups Answer on left side- 5 pts ea. day
1. On page 3, put date and page #, and title it Warm-ups Q for the right, Warm-ups A on the left. At the beginning of every week you will create this template in your INB: 3. Using a pencil and ruler, create this same template. You should have equal number of lines 
​per each day. PUT THIS WEEKS DATES! The picture above is an example of how it should look. Remember, every day should have the date (including day of the week), question 
​on the right (input), and answer on the left (output) to receive full credit. Please do not use marker or map pencil on this page! Date 5 pts ea. day Answer on left side- 5 pts ea. day Question on right side- 10 pts ea. day.

9 To be prepared for this and save a lot of last-minute trouble:
We are now done with the set-up of our Science INB! It is extremely important for you to remember that every 9 weeks we will take a 
​MAJOR grade from your INB! To be prepared for this and save a lot of last-minute trouble: ALWAYS..... 1. Create the pages as you are instructed in class. In other words, make the page when we do it in class! 2. Number and date each page. Remember the right and left side have the same page number. 3. Title each page, both left and right sides 4. Make sure the content is on the page it belongs. Any pockets are for something specific-not a dumping place for any work you don't feel like gluing in! There should NEVER be any loose papers-ever! 5. As soon as you make a page, add the info to your table of contents. It is not fun to get behind on the TOC. 6. If you are absent, feel free to refer to my INB or use your partners, but it is expected that you catch up your INB in the event of absences.


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