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A New Century…A New America?

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1 A New Century…A New America?
Unit 5: Manifest Destiny and American Imperialism

2 William McKinley Assassinated
William McKinley wins the election of 1900! McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz an anarchist. Died on sept. 14th Vice President Teddy Roosevelt Takes over. Shot on September shot on sept. 6th

3 The Great White Fleet TR wants to project American strength to world.
Paint navy white so does not appear aggressive Some in Congress balked at the cost. TR: “Try and get it back”

4 Roosevelt, Empire and Panama
Roosevelt Corollary? TEXT, CONTEXT, SUBTEXT! Panama Canal – 1903 – Hay-Herran Treaty (US & Columbia) Columbia’s legislature did not ratify. Roosevelt angry… Promised support for, Panama's separatist movement Panama achieved independence and the United States quickly recognized them. Within three days of independence Panama gave the US rights to build and control the Panama Canal.

5 Taft & Dollar Diplomacy
Institutes new policy for the West Indies & Pacific Dollar Diplomacy – Encourages US capital investment in foreign nations thus expanding US policy interests GOAL? Make the US a commercial and financial world power. HOW? Protected American businesses as they expanded investment and trade WHY? US can expand into foreign nations without the use of military force

6 Wilsonianism Wilson had an idealistic internationalism
Called for the US to fight for and to spread democracy… …But for who?

7 Essence of America: Think-Pair-Share
What is the essence of America? Remember back to the picture we had at the beginning of the year. On the next slide you will view a series of American foreign policies that encompass 200 years of history. Please answer the following questions individually at first and then discuss as a table. What can we infer about the “essence” of America during the time period the policy was created? How did America evolve over the course of 200 years? Remember Think Using: TEXT, CONTEXT, AND SUBTEXT

8 Expansion by Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary – A further development of the Monroe Doctrine. Emphasized the right of the US to intervene in the affairs of Central & South America Truman Doctrine – "the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures Monroe Doctrine – (1823) - Closes western hemisphere to further expansion by European powers Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary Truman Doctrine Bush Doctrine Bush Doctrine – policy of preemptive/ preventative war (dispose of potential or perceived threats, even if that threat was not immediate). Also a policy of spreading democracy around the world, especially in the Middle East

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