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Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Higher Education Veterans Programs Regional Coordinator Revised 11/07/18
Education Benefits Benefit Overview: Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA)
Go Army Ed State Tuition Reimbursement (STR) GI Bill Chapter 1606 Chapter 1607 (Program has been Sunset) Chapter 30 Chapter 33 Chapter 31 Survivors and Dependents Assistance OJT/Apprenticeship Free Application for Federal Student Aid MN GI Bill
Federal Tuition Assistance
Education Benefits Federal Tuition Assistance Go Army Ed FTA will fund up to 100% of tuition. GAE-FTA pays up to $250 per SEM credit/ $167 per QTR credit, with a maximum of 16 Credits ($4000) per fiscal year. Must be a satisfactory participant including: compliance with APFT, Ht/Wt standards for the current fiscal year. Fails, withdraws, and grades lower than “C” for undergraduate and “B” for graduate level courses will see recoupment start within 90 days. May not fund same course with CH 1606 GI Bill and FTA. All eligible Enlisted Soldiers and Officers are required to apply for Federal TA before they are eligible to receive State Tuition Reimbursement (STR)
FTA Application Procedures:
Education Benefits FTA Application Procedures: Apple for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) through Establish an account(VIA must be completed for 1st time users) Must complete a multiple step process with supporting documentation to be approved for FTA. Once all required documents are approved, the Soldier may apply for TA. Application process requires multiple approvals by MNARNG staff, this may take more than one sitting to finish so it’s important to start early. The application window begins 60 days before the course start date and Soldiers must apply a minimum of 5 business DAYS BEFORE courses begin!
Education Benefits FTA Continued: Effective 5 August 2018
1. One-year wait after AIT/BOLC is rescinded 2. Ten-year service requirement to use FTA towards a master’s degree is rescinded 3. Must complete ALC, CCC, or WOAC to use FTA towards a master’s degree*
Tier 1 Eligibility: Education Benefits
Soldiers who have not attained a bachelor's degree and wish to pursue an undergraduate certificate/diploma, or associate or bachelor's degree; or have previously attained a bachelor's degree without the use of TA and who wish to pursue an undergraduate or graduate certificate/diploma or master's degree. Soldiers establish tier 1 TA eligibility as follows: a. Enlisted Soldiers who have graduated Advanced Individual Training. b. Warrant officers who have graduated Warrant Officer Basic Course. c. Officers who have graduated Basic Officer Leaders Course.
Tier 2 Eligibility: Education Benefits
Soldiers who previously used TA for any portion of their undergraduate degree, have attained a bachelor's degree, and wish to pursue an undergraduate or graduate certificate/diploma or master's degree. If TA was used for any portion of the undergraduate degree, Soldiers establish tier 2 TA eligibility for pursuit of a master's degree as follows: a. Enlisted Soldiers who have successfully completed Advanced Leaders Course. b. Warrant officers who have graduated Warrant Officer Advanced Course. c. Officers who have graduated Captain Career Course or equivalent.
Education Benefits Minnesota State Tuition Reimbursement (STR)
ELIGIBLE SOLDIERS ARE REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR FTA TO RECEIVE STR! (01JUL18) 1July18 rates: Undergraduate $ and Graduate $ per credit. Maximum yearly benefit is $17,000 per year for undergraduate and $18,000 per year for graduate level. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE PAYMENT is processed Soldier must submit payment request form to Unit Admin NLT 90 days after end of course/term. Grades: Undergraduate – no less than “C”; Graduate - no less than “B”. Payment made via Direct Deposit using W9 & State Direct Deposit form.
STR Policy Changes (effective 01 Jul 18)
Education Benefits STR Policy Changes (effective 01 Jul 18) SM’s must have a passing and current APFT/HTWT/fitness test for the entire semester to be reimbursed STR. STR will not fund a degree equal to or less than a member’s current degree level. If a Service member has a Master's degree, STR will not fund another Master's degree or anything lower (I.E. bachelor’s degree, or an associate’s degree) All Officers must use FTA (if eligible) before being approved for STR. Reduced GRADUATE STR rate from 100% to 50% of University of Minnesota's graduate rate. Suspend STR for doctorate and graduate level first professional degrees. If a Soldier or Airmen used STR for Spring 2018 or Summer semester, they will be grandfathered in and will be eligible to continue to use STR for two additional years, at the 50% rate of the University of Minnesota's graduate rate ($711 per credit).
Minnesota State Tuition Reimbursement (STR)
Education Benefits Minnesota State Tuition Reimbursement (STR) Extended Option Time limit to use STR may be extended 2 years, plus the amount of time you served on federal active duty or federally funded state active duty. 144 Semester/208 quarter credits, max lifetime benefit Must submit Memorandum of Understanding to prior to last day of semester Must submit Payment Request Form, Grades, and Fee Statement to within 90 days of course completion
Spouse State Tuition Reimbursement Option
Education Benefits Spouse State Tuition Reimbursement Option Up to 12 semester/17 quarter credits per year not to exceed SM’s lifetime benefit of 144 semester/208 quarter credits Service Member must have 8 years of qualifying service Same process applies for requesting and receiving funds through Unit Administration Open to E-1 through O-5, spouses of officers promoted to the grade of O-6 during the school term are eligible until the end of that term
GI Bill Education Benefits
Each chapter of the GI Bill is limited to a max of 36 months of full time benefits May receive up to 48 months of benefits if eligible for more than one chapter May be used for: College Degrees & Non-College Degrees On-The-Job Training & Apprenticeships Flight Training Licensing & Certification Break or interval pay is no longer payable on any chapter of the GI Bill Payments will be calculated based on the dates your term begins and ends Partial months will be prorated
GI Bill - Qualifying for Two or More Programs
Education Benefits GI Bill - Qualifying for Two or More Programs 36 months maximum benefit for any one program: Chapter 1606, 1607, 30 or 33 48 months total benefit for two or more programs-must have qualifying service Examples: *SM uses 30 months of Chapter 1606, then qualifies for Chapter 1607 due to MOB; soldier is eligible for 18 months of CH 1607 benefits – total 48 month between CH 1606 & CH 1607. *SM uses 36 months of CH 1606, then qualifies for CH 30 due to AGR tour; soldier is eligible for 12 months of CH 30 benefits – total of 48 months between CH 1606 & CH 30.
Chapter 1606 - Selected Reserve
Education Benefits Chapter Selected Reserve No delimiting date if gained eligibility on/after 1 Oct 1992 and remain in an active drilling status Three Main Eligibility Criteria: 6 Year Contract High School Diploma or Equivalent IADT (AIT/OBC) Graduation Monthly full-time rate is currently $384 per month
Chapter 1607 - Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP)
Education Benefits Chapter Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP) The National Defense authorization Act of 2016 ended REAP on Nov 25, Some individuals will remain eligible for REAP benefits until Nov 25, 2019 while other are no longer eligible for REAP. Current Reap beneficiaries: Vets who were attending an educational institution on Nov 24, 2015, or during the last semester, quarter or term ending prior to that date, are eligible to continue to receive REAP benefits until Nov 25, 2019. REAP beneficiaries not attending school: Vets who applied for REAP but were not attending an educational institution on Nov 24, 2015, or during the last semester, quarter, or term ending prior to that date, are no longer eligible for REAP benefits. They may be eligible to receive benefits under Post 9/11 GI Bill. New REAP applicants: Vets who have not enrolled in school and applied for REAP benefits prior to Nov 25, 2015, are no longer eligible for REAP benefits. However, in most cases, they are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. If you have questions please call the VA at
Chapter 30 - Active Duty Education Benefits
Expires 10 years after discharge from active duty Generally earned by serving 36 months continuous Title 10 service Guard/Reservists who have served at least 20 months of 24-month Title 10 orders MAY be eligible AGRs may be eligible $1,200 buy-in and optional $600 Buy-Up; up to $150 per month for 36 months Monthly full-time rate is currently: Less than 3 years $1,619.00/3+ years $1,994.00
Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill Education Benefits
Expires 15 years from date of separation from active duty Requires minimum of 90 days aggregate active duty service on or after September 11, 2001; or 30 continuous days of active duty service and discharged due to service-connected disability (includes AGR) Pays eligible percentage of $23, annually at private colleges for Tuition and Fees Pays eligible percentage of Tuition and Fees at public colleges, with no cap
Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill Education Benefits
Pays eligible percentage of Monthly Housing Allowance based on E-5 with dependents using school zip code Housing allowance for students enrolled solely in distance learning is payable based on eligible percentage of $825.00 Service Members on active duty, including AGR, are not eligible for monthly housing allowance Pays eligible percentage of Books and Supplies up to $1,000 per academic year Service Members on active duty, including AGR, may receive eligible percentage of books and supplies stipend
Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill Education Benefits
Eligible percentage is determined by amount of aggregate Title 10 service after September 10, 2001 At least 36 months % At least 30 continuous days and discharged due to service connected disability % At least 30 months < 36 months % At least 24 months < 30 months % At least 18 months < 24 months % At least 12 months < 18 months % At least 6 months < 12 months % At least 90 days < 6 months %
Transfer option for Chapter 33
Education Benefits Transfer option for Chapter 33 Changes to transferring Post 9/11 GI Bill to eligible dependents Qualifications – Must be eligible for Post 911 GI Bill Served 6 years Eff 12July19 – must have less than 16 years of service to transfer Must agree to serve 4 years from date of transfer NOT be flagged for adverse action, APFT/ABCP failure, or as Unsatisfactory Participant Transfer to an eligible dependent Spouse and/or dependents must be listed under you in DEERS Transfers to children must be completed before each child’s 23rd birthday
Forever GI Bill Education Benefits Effective 1 August 2018:
Qualifying Periods of Service. Title 10 Sections 12301(h), 12304a, and 12304b are qualifying service for Post-9/11 GI Bill. 12301(h) service on or after 11 September 2001. 12304a and 12304b service on or after 30 June 2008. Payments for Service and eligibility for TEB will begin 1 August 2018. Transfer of Education Benefit (TEB). Service members can re-transfer Post-9/11 benefits if the original dependent dies, even after the service member separates; applies to deaths on/after 1 August 2009. Dependents can re-transfer Post-9/11 benefits if the transferor dies and they have remaining months; applies to deaths on or after 1 August 2009. Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA). MHA based on campus where attending. MHA is pro-rated and may be paid for days in a month the service member is not serving on active duty. Purple Heart Recipients. Purple Heart recipients eligible at 100% payment tier. Yellow Ribbon. Fry Scholarship and Purple Heart recipients eligible for Yellow Ribbon Program. License and Certification. Entitlement charge for License and Certification tests are pro-rated. Institution Closures. Service members may recover some benefits when the institution they are attending closes on or after 16 August 2017.
Kicker - Enlistment Contract Incentive
Education Benefits Kicker - Enlistment Contract Incentive A Kicker is an enlistment or re-enlistment incentive If eligible, a Kicker is used in conjunction with Chapter (CH) , 1607, 30, or 33 Maximum benefit is up to $350 per month for 36 months If you have a kicker and decide to apply for CH 33, always relinquish CH 1606 or CH 30, if eligible. If you relinquish CH 1607, your kicker will not transfer.
Chapter 31 – Federal VA Vocational Rehabilitation
Education Benefits Chapter 31 – Federal VA Vocational Rehabilitation Veteran with at least VA 20% (10% with severe employment handicap) disability rating may qualify for vocational rehabilitation services – possibly including retraining If eligible for retraining, you may receive: Monthly subsistence allowance Tuition Fees Books Supplies Equipment If needed, special services
Survivors and Dependents Assistance
Education Benefits Survivors and Dependents Assistance The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship Available for children and spouses of service members who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001. Survivors/Dependents Educational Assistance Program (Chap 35) Veteran must be permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition. Veteran who has died while on active duty as a result of a service-related condition.
On-the-Job & Apprenticeship Training
Education Benefits On-the-Job & Apprenticeship Training On-the-job training (OJT) is training employees receive while performing a job and earning wages. 6 months to 2 years Examples: Police Officer, Highway Patrol Officer, Jailer, Mechanic Apprenticeship combines on-the-job training with related technical instruction 2 years to 5 years Examples: Machinist, Ironworker, Electrician, Carpenter, Plumber, Power Line Worker
On-the-Job & Apprenticeship Training
Education Benefits On-the-Job & Apprenticeship Training Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) 100% of eligible housing allowance for the first 6 months of training Percentage of eligible housing allowance is reduced by 20% every 6 months Once reduced to 20%, will continue for remainder of training Up to $83 per month for books and supplies Chapter 30, 1606, 1607 75% of the full-time GI Bill rate for the first 6 months of training 55% of the full-time GI Bill rate for the second 6 months of training 35% of the full-time GI Bill rate for the remainder of the training program
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Education Benefits Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Complete application online at: If FAFSA reports income is too high for Grants eligibility, request a “Special Circumstances Evaluation” from your Campus Financial Aid Office
Minnesota GI Bill Education Benefits Eligibility:
Honorably discharged veteran (as defined by MN Statute ) Dependent eligible to receive Ch 35 or Ch 33 (if Vet has died or has a total and permanent disability as a direct result of service) MN resident (as defined by MN Statute 136A.101, subd. 8) Attending a MN institution or approved OJT/Apprentice program in MN Can now be used for License/Certification reimbursement Maximum benefit: $3K/semester (full-time), $4K/year OJT $3K/fiscal year $10K lifetime Process: To apply go to “Last Dollar In:” Cost of attendance minus Aid and Benefits
Questions? Contact a Regional Coordinator
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