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Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter

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Presentation on theme: "Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter
January 3rd – January 6th ELA:  We are going to read a nonfiction text titled Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Runner. We are going to begin revising and editing our fiction stories. Vocabulary: Lively: “active.” Someone who is lively is energetic and full of life. Memorable: “worth remembering.” Something that is memorable is not easy to forget. “Throw yourself into something”: “do something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.” Intense: “very great or strong.” Exhilarated: “very happy and excited.” Astounding: “amazing or very surprising.” Math: Our math skill this week is interpreting graphs. Announcements: January 5th – Dominos Dough Raising night January 5th – Report Cards go home. Please sign the envelope and return the envelope. January 6th – Awards Ceremony for Report Cards at 8 a.m. Yearbooks are on sale for $35. Get yours now. Yearbook signing party at the end of the year. Join Remind by to This is how we send out reminders/announcements. I can statements: I can tell time to the last minute and calculate intervals of time. I can visualize from a passage. I can ask and answer questions about a passage. I can reread for information. I can recognize a pronoun. Test Dates: Math: No tests this week. ELA: Week 15/16 Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, January 6th Math Homework Tues.- Review Practice page. Wed.- Review Practice page Thurs. – Review Practice page Be sure to encourage your child to read each night. They should be reading at least 20 minutes. Ask your child about what they are reading and what is happening in their book. They love to share their reading knowledge with you! ELA Homework Packet due THURSDAY  . Study vocabulary words for test on Friday.

2 Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter
Math I can: read and interpret a graph. multiply and divide using 0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 6’s, and 10’s. Helpful Websites: I can statements: I can tell time to the last minute and calculate intervals of time. I can visualize from a passage. I can ask and answer questions about a passage. I can reread for information. I can recognize a pronoun. ELA Standards I can: Ask and answer questions about a text Determine the main idea of a text and explain the key details and explain how they support the main idea Reread a story for information Use the text to make inferences Write narratives to develop imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences Write about various topics over an extended period of time

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