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Unit 4 – Lesson 1 The Periodic Table.

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1 Unit 4 – Lesson 1 The Periodic Table


3 Nh Mc Ts Og PT song

4 Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

5 Periodic Law When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of their physical and chemical properties.

6 Elements can be divided into three categories:
Metals – left of the staircase Form positive ions (cations) Have luster, good conductors, malleable, ductile, most are solids Nonmetals – right of the staircase Form negative ions (anions) Good insulators, dull, brittle, shatter easily Nh Mc Ts Og Metalloids (Semi-metals) – either side of the staircase Intermediate characteristics Use this diagram to color the PT in your notes

7 Periodic Table Structure (video)
Horizontal rows are called PERIODS Each new period adds another energy level for electrons. Ex. Elements in period 1 have 1 energy level period 2 2 energy levels period 3  3 energy levels Use this diagram to label the period numbers in your notes

8 Vertical columns are called GROUPS/FAMILIES
* Notice – groups may be identified by 1-18 or by Group A/B numbers*

9 Representative Elements (Main group)
Groups 1,2,13-18 or A groups include the…. Representative Elements (Main group) Use this diagram to color and label the PT in your notes

10 When the number of electrons changes
Alkali Metals (Group 1A or 1) video 1 valence electron 1A The most reactive metals, therefore usually found in compounds in nature (rarely found by themselves) 1 valence electron makes them very reactive because they only need to lose 1 electron to have a full outer shell/octet. 11p+ 11e- 10e- When the number of electrons changes you have an ION Always form cations with a +1 charge Periodic table videos

11 Alkali metals react very strongly with water

12 Hydrogen (Group 1A or 1) 1 valence electron
Only nonmetal in Group 1A/1 Can lose or gain 1 electron therefore can be a +1 or a -1 charge

13 When the number of electrons changes
Alkaline Earth Metals (Group 2A or 2) 2 valence electrons 2A Reactive metals, therefore usually found in compounds in nature (rarely found by themselves) 2 valence electrons makes them reactive because they only need to lose 2 electrons to have a full outer shell. When the number of electrons changes you have an ION Always form cations with a +2 charge Periodic table videos

14 Boron Family (Group 3A or 13)
3 valence electrons 3A All are metals except Boron (metalloid) The metals tend to become +3 cations 3 e- Nh Periodic table videos

15 Metals lose electrons to have a full valence shell, therefore they always form positive ions
called CATIONS 11p+ 11e- 10e- The size of the cation is always SMALLER than the original atom because it loses its valence shell


17 Carbon Family (Group 4A or 14)
4 valence electrons Combination of metals, metalloids and a nonmetal Periodic table videos

18 Nitrogen Family (Group 5A or 15)
5 valence electrons Combination of nonmetals, metalloids and metals Mc Periodic table videos

19 When the number of electrons changes
Oxygen Family (Group 6A or 16) 6 valence electrons 6A 6 valence electrons means that members of this group are only 2 electrons away from having an octet in the outer shell. They ADD 2 electrons to fill the valence shell. 8p+ 8e- 10e- When the number of electrons changes you have an ION Nonmetal members always form anions with a -2 charge Periodic table videos

20 When the number of electrons changes
Halogens (Group 7A or 17) 7 valence electrons Very reactive nonmetals, therefore usually found in compounds in nature. 7A Very reactive because 7 valence electrons means that members of this group are only 1 electron away from having an octet in the outer shell. They ADD 1 electron to fill the valence shell. 9p+ 9e- 10e- When the number of electrons changes you have an ION Always form anions with a -1 charge Ts Periodic table videos

21 Nonmetals gain electrons to have a full valence shell, therefore they always form negative
ions called ANIONS Ion summary video 8p+ 8e- 10e- 9p+ 9e- 10e- The size of the anion is always LARGER than the original atom because it has more electrons pushing away from each other (repulsion) on the valence shell

22 Helium has only 1 energy level so it is full at 2 electrons
Noble Gases (Group 8A or 18) video Full valence shell 8A Helium has only 1 energy level so it is full at 2 electrons All other noble gases have more than one energy level so they are full at 8 electrons (octet) Do not form ions Most are nonreactive/inert Og Periodic table videos

23 Complete the following on the PT in your notes: 1
Complete the following on the PT in your notes: Color each A group with a different color 2. Provide a key that identifies the name for each A group Nh Mc Ts Og

24 Transition Metals/Elements
Groups 3-12 or B groups include the…. Transition Metals/Elements Use this diagram to color and label the PT in your notes Ds Rg Cn

25 Transition Metals (B groups)
Most common metals Many of these metals can have multiple ion charges ex. Iron Fe2+ or Fe3+ Copper Cu1+ or Cu2+ Ds Rg Cn d block metals Periodic table videos

26 Inner Transition Metals
Many are radioactive f block elements Actinide series includes uranium and plutonium AKA rare earth metals Use these diagrams to color and label the PT in your notes

27 Nh Mc Ts Og

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